A Comparison of Cross-Sectional Efficiency of Steel Beam by Increasing Thickness and Adding Transverse Stiffeners

he present study addresses a comparison of the cross-sectional efficiency of steel beam by increasing thickness and adding transverse stiffeners to verify the economical of both methods. By practicing the hand-calculation for both methods, the calculation of the method by increasing thickness is based on the given hypothesis, therefore the result of this researching has…

Analysis of Diaphragm Wall by LEM and FEM

The study of this thesis is describe about the analysis of the reinforcement concrete diaphragm wall by comparison between the Limit Equilibrium Method (LEM) with the Finite Elements Method (FEM). The purpose of this study is to compare the above methods to obtain safety conditions, economic and comply with technical standards for current needs. This…

Comparison of Bonded and Unbonded Systems in PT Slab

The design of moment capacity maximum for bonded and unbonded system for post tension slab using ACI 318M-19 and calculation in software ADAPT BUILTDER 2019 by compare moment capacity maximum results in this research paper. From this study, for length span, number of strands, loading in the same case. So, the result is shown that…