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A Study of 3-Dimensional Blade Laundry Geometric Modelling by using Various Manufacturing Processes
Author(s)Rayuth Keat, Prof, Min, Dong Kyun
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Keywords   3-Dimensional     Blade Laundry     Geometric modelling     Manufacturing Processes.  

A key research design objective that specific RP processes is the prototype component possesses sufficient strength, stiffness, dimensional stability, and environmental protection characteristics commensuration with its purposes. Moreover, CNC machining process is used in the manufacturing sector that involves the use of computers to control machine tools. So, it is prior to the development of information science society and production system in competitive industrial product development processes. Especially, the students who are self-designed could present their concepts in a short time. Therefore, to find out new devices that show quick modeling like Blade Laundry results in new ideas or fast design specifications and production at colleges or cooperation. According to such environmental changes, and time-consuming, it results in production design which is competitive vigorously. The college is exposure to CNC’s and RP’s productions by result presentation for 3-Dimension model using various design processes. This research purpose was to compare the differences of Computerized Numerical Control’s (CNC) and Rapid prototyping’s (RP) productions that are used in different processes at various colleges. Consequently, it is thought that this study is helpful in the college; the CNC or RP applications are used to create any project. According to the research result, Blade Laundry Modeling of big, curved line and surface roughness are profitable by using CNC when the model is going to manufacture finely. RP production sizes are limited but it is used appropriately for the small things that are complicated absolutely.

Field/FacultyFaculty of Engineering
Publication Year2014
Recommended CitationRayuth Keat, Prof, Min, Dong Kyun. (2014). A Study of 3-Dimensional Blade Laundry Geometric Modelling by using Various Manufacturing Processes. , ,
Contact Emailkeatrayuth@npic.edu.kh