
TitleDeadbeat Control of Three-phase Inverter with Output LC-filter
Author(s)Hon Menghorng
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Three-phase inverter have drawn a lot of attention from researchers due to its widespread in industrial and renewable energy integration. This thesis presents a deadbeat control strategy for three-phase inverter with LC-filtered output. The DC input of this proposed inverter is 650VDC with output 220VAC. The control law of this method utilizes state feedback with integral control to provide stability and remove the steady state error. In addition, the controller gain is obtained by solving a linear matrix inequality-based optimization problem such that the convergence time of the state to origin is minimized. The implementation of this
control technique is done using PSIM simulation tool with help from Microsoft Visual Studio to host the control algorithm. Moreover, this proposed control is implemented in dq-synchronous frame with the sampling frequency of 10kHz. The efficacy of this proposed method is verify using simulation studies and the comparison with linear matrix inequality-based robust control for three-phase inverter.

Adviser(s)Hon Menghorng
InstitutionNational Polytechnic Institute of Cambodia
FacultyGraduate School,
Published Date2021
Rights©2020 All Rights Reserved.
Recommended CitationHon Menghorng. Deadbeat Control of Three-phase Inverter with Output LC-filter. Electrical Engineering. NPIC Scientific Publication, 2021.