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Off-Board Charger for Electric Vehicle Using LMI-Based Optimizing Control
Author(s)Chivon Choeung, Socheat Yay, Bunne So, Horchhong Cheng, Vanna Torn, Sokun Ieng
Status 61 views, 101 downloads Download
Keywords   EV charger     linear matrix inequality     off-board charger     optimal control  

The proliferation of electric vehicles (EVs) has seen significant growth over the last decade, mostly attributable to their environmental advantages and versatile nature. This work introduces a systematic control design approach that utilizes linear matrix inequality (LMI)-based optimization for an off-board EV charger. In this study, a cascaded control scheme is proposed, which combines proportional integral control with optimal state feedback control. The objective of this control scheme is to regulate the DC voltage and current supplied to the battery. Furthermore, this control strategy utilizes a dq-frame to implement the regulation of the AC grid current by deploying the integral effect of the state feedback control. The topology of the charger eliminates the need for a DC-DC converter, resulting in reduced hardware costs. The beneficial effect of the control is confirmed by the analysis of the simulation outcomes using a sampling frequency of 10 kHz.

Journal Name/Conference Name7th International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Optimization
Publisher/InstitutionSpringer Nature
Field/FacultyFaculty of Engineering
Publication Year (month)In Press
Recommended CitationChivon Choeung, Socheat Yay, Bunne So, Horchhong Cheng, Vanna Torn, Sokun Ieng. (In Press ). Off-Board Charger for Electric Vehicle Using LMI-Based Optimizing Control. 7th International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Optimization,-(-), -.DOI:-