
TitlePower Economic Dispatch using Lagrange with Third Order Cost Function
Author(s)Pa Hoeurn
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For power supply in the power system, the Economic dispatch (ED) has played an important role in the study of power system (Power Demand). The Optimal generation dispatch problem in which a fuel-powered generator or Fuel power plant is used to solve the Fuel Cost Function equation makes it difficult to solve the Fuel Cost Function equation. Therefore, researchers use some Power Optimize Techniques to solve this problem in a modern method, such as Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) Genetic Algorithm. All of these methods are used to solve quadratic cost function equations. In this thesis, we will show another method that uses Lagrange method with third order cost function to solve power economic dispatch or power optimization, simulation using MATLAB R2016a to test 3 different cases according to IEEE 6 standard system. There are 3 generators, IEEE 14 bus, there are 5 generators and IEEE 30 bus 6 generators, simulated in MATLAB R2016a with Lagrange with third order cost function as the result as shown in the following 3 cases: In the first case according to the standard system IEEE 6 Bus standard system, there are 3 generators with a total power generators 217,764 MW with a total power load 210,000 MW total costs 2464.080 $/h and total power loss 7, 7687 MW. In the second case, according to the IEEE 14 Bus standard system, there are 5 generators with a total power generator 262,360 MW, the total power load 259,300 MW, total cost 1423,400 $/h, and total power loss 1423,400 MW. In the case third, according to the IEEE 30 Bus standard system, there are 6 generators with a total power 193,024 MW, total power load 189,200 MW, total cost 575,210 $/h, and total power loss 3, 82452 MW.

Adviser(s)Ieng Sokun, M.Eng.
InstitutionNational Polytechnic Institute of Cambodia
FacultyGraduate School,
Published Date2020
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Recommended CitationPa Hoeurn. Power Economic Dispatch using Lagrange with Third Order Cost Function. Electrical Engineering. NPIC Scientific Publication, 2020.