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Robust Tracking Control of a Three-Phase Bidirectional Charger for Electric Vehicle
Author(s)Chivon Choeung, Meng Leang Kry, Young-Il Lee
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Keywords   Bidirectional charger     EV     linear matrix inequality     Robust Control     uncertainty  

This paper presents a robust control strategy for an electric vehicle's three-phase off-board bidirectional AC-DC battery charger. The conventional constant current (CC) and constant voltage (CV) charging mode are considered to provide a fast-charging performance for the batteries. The bidirectional charger also allows using of the vehicle as an energy storage system for the grid i.e., charging during the peak-off times and delivering the energy back to the grid during peak times of electrical consumption. In discharging mode, the bidirectional charger maintains constant active power flow to the grid with a given reference. For both cases, using a robust state feedback controller with integral action is made in the DQ-synchronous frame. The set of stabilizing gains of this controller are determined by a linear matrix inequality (LMI)-based optimization so that the convergence time to steady stead is minimized in the occurrence of the parametric uncertainties of the L-filter. The efficacy of the proposed controller is verified through simulation and experimental results on 102.4 V Lithium iron phosphate (LiFePO4) batteries.

Journal Name/Conference NameJournal of Advanced Transportation
Field/FacultyFaculty of Engineering
Publication Year (month)2022
Recommended CitationChivon Choeung, Meng Leang Kry, Young-Il Lee. (2022 ). Robust Tracking Control of a Three-Phase Bidirectional Charger for Electric Vehicle. Journal of Advanced Transportation ,2022(-), 1-12.DOI:https://doi.org/10.1155/2022/5077091