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Ventilation Enhancement for Minimizing COVID-19 Pandemic Spread in Tropical Apartments
Author(s)Preap Daliden, Ching Chhom Mony
Status 43 views, 195 downloads Download
Keywords   Apartment     Covid-19     Tropical     Ventilation  

The world nowadays is plagued by COVID-19, a global infectious disease. The COVID-19 infection causes many problems in human life. Most of the buildings are not suitable for inflection diseases due to a lack of design, hygiene, comfort, and resistance to infectious diseases. The disease is closely related to air, so we can solve architectural problems through the design of ventilation systems. To contribute to the alleviation of COVID-19 infectious diseases, the improvement of the ventilation system in tropical concentrated dwellings has been studied. The solution starts with setting a vision or goal, accompanied by the main methodology and sub-methodology. As a result of the design architecture forms, various measures and calculations of air change rate helped to concentrate apartments to combat and treat COVID-19 infections through ventilation systems.

Publisher/InstitutionNational Polytechnic Institute of Cambodia (NPIC)
Field/FacultyInnovations in Architecture and Construction
Publication Year2023
Recommended CitationPreap Daliden, Ching Chhom Mony. (2023). Ventilation Enhancement for Minimizing COVID-19 Pandemic Spread in Tropical Apartments. Proceeding in RIET 2023 Conference, NPIC, 111-121
Author Emaildaliden.preap@gmail.com, chingchhom@yahoo.com