Computational study on phase lag of arterial-wall motion for assessment of plaque vulnerability

Arterial wall viscoelasticity is likely to be a good diagnostic indicator of vascular disease, but only a few studies on the assessment of wall viscosity have been performed. Artery phantoms are manufactured using polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) to simulate the viscoelastic characteristics of the artery wall, which depends on the wall tissue composition and progression of atherosclerosis.…

The influence of the pre-organized cracks in the tensile zone of the reinforced concrete beam under statically short-term loading

The experimental and theoretical research of the single-span reinforced concrete beam with artificial flaw in tension area under the action of static short-term loads is performed. The stress-strain state of the structure, based on numerical simulation using finite element software system ANSYS, is investigated. The results of numerical simulation are compared with the experimental results.…