
TitleStudy of Strengthening Reinforced Concrete Compression Member Using Steel Angles and Strips
Author(s)Tim Phearath
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Steel angles and strips jacketing of RC column is use to increase the loading-carrying capacity due to insufficient strength and it improves ductility behavior of the RC column after jacketing. In this study, strength capacity of the RC column strengthened with Steel angles and strips jackets was studies.
To achieve the goal of this study, the strength capacity of the column was computed based on expressions given by researcher, prediction model of Regalado et al. (1999), Calderon et al. (2009) and Guiseppe Campione (2012) were used. For existing codes, ACI318-M99 and Eurocode4 (1994) was adopted.
First, results obtained from expressions and existing codes were compared with test results by Regalado et al. (1999), Calderon et al. (2009) and Guiseppe Campione (2012). Then parametric studies were carried out in this study by varying strips spacing of jacketing, steel angles jacket thicknesses, concrete compressive strength of the existing columns, and concrete compressive strength of jackets.
The results from this study demonstrated that for the expressions by researchers and for the existing codes the predicted strength capacity of RC columns after jacketing was about 20% and above the test results, respectively.
From the parametric study, it showed that the strips spacing, the steel angle thickness, the strength of steel of existing columns and jackets significantly influenced the strength capacity. This study could conclude that the expressions by Regalado et al. (1999), Calderon et al. (2009) and Guiseppe Campione (2012) and the existing codes (ACI318M-99, Eurocode 4) could be suitable for predicting the strength capacity of RC columns strengthened with steel angles and strips jackets.

Adviser(s)Tim Phearath
InstitutionNational Polytechnic Institute of Cambodia
FacultyGraduate School,
Published Date2021
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Recommended CitationTim Phearath. Study of Strengthening Reinforced Concrete Compression Member Using Steel Angles and Strips. m.civil. NPIC Scientific Publication, 2021.