
TitleStudy on Structural System for Tall Building using RC Shear Wall
Author(s)Seng Phearun
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RC shear wall system is a commonly used system. Since rc shear wall’s in plane high stiffness and strength is able to resist lateral force and gravity load. Location of shear wall is major problem; structural engineer has to considered. Proper positioning of shear walls makes the system efficient and vice versa. The major objective of this study: 1) The effective locations of shear wall to whole system and 2) the positioning of shear walls through the position of stiffness mass and lateral load to make the system more efficient. PT/RC-42 floors-building and along wind load in Phnom Penh, Cambodia is to be chose. CSI Etabs19 is used for Linear Static Analysis. In this study the locations of shear walls are change dat least 4 in different locations and observe. Wind load design is followed as per ASCE7-16. 9 of 12 load cases are observed and applied to each modeling. The results obtained from the linear static analysis are thoroughly investigated for distance from stiffness to load and mass per floor, fundamental frequency and time period of system, and displacement (translation and rotation). The result indicates location of shear wall is major in setting up system to be effective. The closer distance from mass application to stiffness, the system more rigid or the greater frequency of oscillation and vice versa. The closer distance from load application to stiffness, smaller displacement of the system closing to displacement caused by external later load only and vice versa greater total displacement of the system than caused-by-lateral-load displacement, caused by external lateral load plus eccentricity of load and stiffness. Conclusion, center of force or masses go farther bigger eccentricity, developing additional torsional moment on the system as the result high displacement and rotation its response and vice versa. To determine whether the system works effectively only if the distance from the center of force or center of mass is closer to the center of
stiffness or vice-versa.

Adviser(s)Seng Phearun
InstitutionNational Polytechnic Institute of Cambodia
FacultyGraduate School,
Published Date2021
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Recommended CitationSeng Phearun. Study on Structural System for Tall Building using RC Shear Wall. m.civil. NPIC Scientific Publication, 2021.