
TitleThe Study of Difference between Punching Shear Reinforcement and Shear Stud
Author(s)Hai Vanchhai
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This thesis study describes about the difference between punching shear reinforcement and shear stud in order to reduce the thickness of the post tension slab. On the other hand, calculating the components to withstand the punching force, there are many methods for my research, I took the reinforcement and studs to study to analyze the ability to support the force of each component. Of course, the simulations show the accuracy of the research, but it takes a lot of time and money to do the research. Finite Element Analysis has increased due to the advanced capabilities and technology of computers. The use of computer systems to model building components has improved both time and budget. In this study, the Adapt Builder software was used to perform the Finite Element Analysis study.
To investigate this topic, the method used to analyze the feasibility of punching shear reinforcement and shear studs for perforation there are two: analytical model analysis by researchers and coding analysis with Adapt Builder. Determining, studying, analyzing and calculating tendons distribution according to ACI and PTI standards, I which chose the Banded-Distributed Tendon Layout to assist in the analysis of prestressed concrete floors.
According to research have shown that shear stud can withstand punching more than reinforcement and is more time-saving. Anyway, the reinforcement held with a small punching force because of the code and the working composition of the material.
Therefore, for the calculation of post tension slab, we should choose the Banded Distributed Tendon system, because it works well as than other systems. On the other hand, the data taken from the program is very accurate.

Adviser(s)Hai Vanchhai
InstitutionNational Polytechnic Institute of Cambodia
FacultyGraduate School,
Published Date2021
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Recommended CitationHai Vanchhai. The Study of Difference between Punching Shear Reinforcement and Shear Stud. m.civil. NPIC Scientific Publication, 2021.