
TitleA Study of Connection Photovoltaic 22kV System with Grid MV EDC in Thalaborivat District Stungtreng Province
Author(s)Yoeurn Sarem
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Power flow is used to load the power system and generation data. The output of the power flow includes the voltage and angle values ​​of the different buses, including the calculation of the active power, inactive power and the constraint on each branch. The implementation of the power flow is by solving the equation to have a balance of energy. These methods are Gauss-Seidel, Newton-Raphson, Fast-decoupled.


The calculations show that the 14 buses on the Gauss-Seidel method have 59 Iterations and Power Losses Real Power = 12.494MW, Reactive Power                     = 25.098MVar. According to the Newton-Raphson method, there are 9 Iterations and Power Losses Real Power = 12.515MW, Reactive Power = 25.191MVar. According to the Fast-decoupled method, there are 26 Iterations and Power Losses Real Power = 12.515MW, Reactive Power = 25.192MVar.


The calculations show that the 26 buses on the Gauss-Seidel method have 71 Iterations and Power Losses Real Power = 5.458MW, Reactive Power = 16.307MVar. According to the Newton-Raphson method, there are 5 Iterations and Power Losses Real Power = 15.463MW, Reactive Power = 6.348MVar. According to the Fast-decoupled method, there are 20 Iteration and Power Losses Real Power = 15.461MW, Reactive Power = 6.346MVar. The result is the Newton-Raphson method, which is the best method for both the number of iterations and the power lost through the network.

Adviser(s)Ieng Sokun, M.Eng.
InstitutionNational Polytechnic Institute of Cambodia
FacultyGraduate School,
Published Date2020
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Recommended CitationYoeurn Sarem. A Study of Connection Photovoltaic 22kV System with Grid MV EDC in Thalaborivat District Stungtreng Province. Electrical Engineering. NPIC Scientific Publication, 2020.