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Optimal PV System Design for a Residential in Cambodia
Author(s)Suy Kimsong, Ry Leaphy
Status 20 views, 12 downloads Download
Keywords   Hybrid     On Grid     Photovoltaic  

This project is to design and study three systems to select the best and most economical system for housing: The Hybrid Photovoltaic system use 16 solar panels with a power of 4480 W and 24 batteries with a capacity of 910Ah and 43.68 kW. Economics study of this system is costs $ 13,340 and earns $ 895 per year from the system. Using this system is not economically profitable for housing up to -511%, equivalent to $ 68,235 according to an 18-year study. The On-Grid Photovoltaic System no battery backup studies two conditions: The average of charge conditions, using two solar panels at a cost of $ 478 and earning $ 101 per year, this system can benefit consumers 161%, equivalent to $ 770. The maximum of conditions, there are 3 solar panels, cost $ 582 and earn $ 140 per year, for this system there is a fast payment, which can save users up to 235%. equivalent to $ 1368.The On-Grid Photovoltaic System with battery backup is the same as the On-Grid Photovoltaic System no battery in terms of maximum load study, with the exception of the remaining power storage system, Economics study of this system is costs $ 750 and earning $153 per year, this system can benefit consumers 88%, equivalent to $ 659 according to an 18-year study.

JournalGreen Science, Engineering and Technology (GSET)
Publisher/InstitutionGraduate School, National Polytechnic Institute of Cambodia
Field/FacultyGraduate School
Publication Year2024
Recommended CitationSuy Kimsong, Ry Leaphy. (2024). Optimal PV System Design for a Residential in Cambodia. Proceeding in GSET 2024 Conference, NPIC.