Title | |
Author(s) | Sovan Kakada, Un Saman, Or Chanmoly, Kong Rithy |
Status | 18 views, 14 downloads Download |
Keywords | Aloe vera fluid Mono-crystalline Photovoltaic Plat-Plate Solar Collector. Thermal |
Abstract | Crystalline is a popular solar panel mainly used in households and public roads. Mono-crystalline is popular for its higher efficiency and long-life service. However, its effi-ciency drops as the module temperature increases. So, the technique for module temperature reduction needs to be applied to improve the module power generation, hence, higher module efficiency and aloe vera fluid is suitable for heat remover. In this study, one type of mono-crystalline (PVT) with circulating aloe vera fluid flow rate of 1 L/mn under the climate condition of Phnom Penh was selected. The results indicated higher power generations of the module as the module temperature was reduced by circulating cooling aloe vera fluid. |
Journal | Green Science, Engineering and Technology (GSET) |
Publisher/Institution | Graduate School, National Polytechnic Institute of Cambodia |
Field/Faculty | Graduate School |
Publication Year | 2024 |
Volumn | - |
Issue | - |
Pages | - |
Recommended Citation | Sovan Kakada, Un Saman, Or Chanmoly, Kong Rithy. (2024). Performance study of Photovoltaic/Thermal (PV/T) Solar Panel by Module Temperature Reduction with Aloe Vera Fluid. Proceeding in GSET 2024 Conference, NPIC. |