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Improvement of Solar Farm Effectiveness Base on Shadow Length Analysis
Author(s)Sous Socheat, Suy Kimsongb,
Status 17 views, 14 downloads Download
Keywords   I-P     I-V     PR     PV     PVSyst  

This thesis aims to estimate solar radiation on horizontal and inclined surfaces in Kampot Province of Cambodia. Numerous projects, initiated and advanced to assess the effective-ness of photovoltaic (PV) panels, demonstrate that solar shadows may decrease with rising temper-atures or when shaded. To achieve maximum light density per year in Kampot, the PV Module tilt angle should be set at 5 degrees (β = 5o) as proposed in the Mounting Structure, with reduced spacing between rows. This proposed Mounting Structure will enhance system efficiency compared to the Traditional Mounting Structure tilt angle of 10 degrees (β=10o) on 1 hectare of land, which equals to 10,000 m2. In the traditional system, 2592 solar panels with 216 Strings, equivalent to 54 Zones, produce 1128.96kW of power. The proposed system, with 2928 solar panels, 244 Strings, and 61 Zones, produces 1270.08kW, representing an increase of 141.12kW, or 11.765% over the traditional system. Calculations and data from PVSyst show slight differences, which are within an acceptable range.

JournalGreen Science, Engineering and Technology (GSET)
Publisher/InstitutionGraduate School, National Polytechnic Institute of Cambodia
Field/FacultyGraduate School
Publication Year2024
Recommended CitationSous Socheat, Suy Kimsongb,. (2024). Improvement of Solar Farm Effectiveness Base on Shadow Length Analysis. Proceeding in GSET 2024 Conference, NPIC.