The goal of this publishing project is to elevate the National Polytechnic Institute of Cambodia (NPIC) to become a publishing institution at both national and international levels. This project will also enhance the institute’s reputation in research through publications and serve as a platform for colleges and institutions to publish research journals and books. The publishing project covers public dissemination, including the following:
About Us

បណ្ឌិត យិន ហ័រ
- គោត្តនាម-នាម (Name): បណ្ឌិត យិន ហ័រ / Dr. YIN HOR
- តួនាទី (Position): Vice Dean, Graduate School, NPIC
- ឯកទេស (Field): Architectural and Structural Design
- លេខទូរស័ព្ទ (Phone No.): 012/098-429 297
- អ៊ីម៉ែល (E-mail):
- ជំនាញស្រាវជ្រាវ (Research Area):
- Structural RC Design
- Rehabilitation and Strengthening RC Structures
- Finite Element Modelling
- Nonlinear Structural Analysis
- កម្រិតវប្បធម៌ទូទៅ និងបណ្តុះបណ្តាលវិជ្ជាជីវៈ (Academic Qualification):
កម្រិតសិក្សា (Degree) |
គ្រឹះស្ថានសិក្សា (Institution) |
ឆ្នាំបញ្ចប់ (Year of Graduation) |
Doctoral Degree |
Hokkaido University, Japan |
2018 |
Master’s Degree |
Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, Malaysia |
2014 |
Bachelor Degree |
Institute of Technology of Cambodia (ITC) |
2011 |
High School |
Bak Touk High School |
2006 |
- ព្រឹត្តិបត្រស្រាវជ្រាវ (Publication):
- International peer-reviewed journals
- Wee Teo, Hor Yin, “Suitability of optimized truss model to predict the FRP contribution to shear resistance for externally bonded FRP strengthened RC beams without internal shear reinforcement,” Composite Part B, 80, 385–398, 2015.
- Hor Yin, Wee Teo, Kazutaka Shirai, “Experimental investigation on the behaviour of reinforced concrete slabs strengthened with ultra-high performance concrete,” Construction and Building Materials, 155, 463–474, 2017.
- Hor Yin, Kazutaka Shirai, Wee Teo, “Prediction of shear capacity of UHPC–concrete composite structural members based on existing codes,” Journal of Civil Engineering and Management, 24(8), 607–618, 2018.
- Hor Yin, Kazutaka Shirai, Wee Teo, “Finite element modelling to predict the flexural behaviour of ultra-high performance concrete members,” Engineering Structures, 183, 741–755, 2019.
- Hor Yin, Kazutaka Shirai, Wee Teo, “Numerical model for predicting the structural response of composite UHPC–concrete members considering the bond strength at the interface,” Composite Structures, 215, 185–197, 2019.
- Hor Yin, Kazutaka Shirai, Wee Teo, “Numerical simulation of the blast-resistant response of ultrahigh-performance concrete structural members,” Journal of Civil Engineering and Management, 25(6), 587–598, 2019.
- Kazutaka Shirai, Hor Yin, Wee Teo, “Flexural capacity prediction of composite RC members strengthened with UHPC based on existing design models,” Structures, 23, 44–55, 2020.
- Conference papers
- Hor Yin, Chhay Teng, Vuthy Sar, “Repair and Strengthening Techniques for RC Structures,” Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture, National Polytechnic Institute of Cambodia, 2020.
- Hor Yin, Kazutaka Shirai, Wee Teo, “Response of UHPC-concrete composite structural members using implicit and explicit finite element method,” In: 2018 The 3rd International Conference on Advanced Functional Materials (ICAFM 2018), San Francisco, United States, August 3 – 5, 2018. (Online: Key Engineering Materials, 793, 93–97, 2019)
- Wee Teo, Kazutaka Shirai, Hor Yin, “Retrofitting and strengthening interventions of RC members using ultra high performance concrete (UHPC),” In: IABSE Conference – Engineering the Developing World, 726–731, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, April 25 – 27, 2018.
- Hor Yin, Kazutaka Shirai, Wee Teo, “Shear capacity prediction of reinforced concrete members strengthened with ultra-high performance concrete overlay,” In: Proceedings of the Japan Concrete Institute, 40(2), 1243–1248, June 2018.
- Kazutaka Shirai, Hor Yin, Wee Teo, “Flexural strength calculation of the RC members rehabilitated with UHPC,” In: Proceedings of the Japan Concrete Institute, 40(2), 1237–1242, June 2018.
- Hor Yin, Kazutaka Shirai, “Investigation of implicit and explicit FEM analysis for RC members strengthened with UHPC under static loading,” Architectural Institute of Japan (AIJ), Technical Paper of Annual Meeting, Japan, September 4 – 6, 2018.
- Hor Yin, Kazutaka Shirai, Wee Teo, “Model simulation on flexural behavior of ultra-high performance fiber reinforced concrete,” Architectural Institute of Japan (AIJ), Technical Paper of Annual Meeting, Japan, August 31 – September 5, 2017.
- Hor Yin, Kazutaka Shirai, Wee Teo, “Numerical assessment of ultra-high performance concrete material,” In: 2016 IEEE International Conference on Innovative Engineering Materials (ICIEM 2016), Singapore, August 20 – 22, 2016. (Online open: IOP Conference Series, Materials Science and Engineering, 241, 2017, p. 012004)
- Hor Yin, Wee Teo, Do Kyun Kim, “Experimental evaluation on UHPFRC-wide beams under bending loads,” In: – Proceedings of the International Conference on Civil, Architectural, Structural and Constructional Engineering, Dong-A University, Busan, South Korea, August 21 – 23, 2015. (Online: Advances in Civil, Architectural, Structural and Constructional Engineering, 237–241, 2016 Taylor & Francis Group)
- Wee Teo, Hor Yin, “Optimized effective strain model for externally bonded FRP shear strengthened RC members,” In: The 7th International Conference on FRP Composites in Civil Engineering (CICE2014), Vancouver, Canada, August 20 – 22, 2014.
- Hor Yin, Wee Teo, “Prediction the shear strength for FRP shear strengthened RC beams based on optimized truss models,” Applied Mechanics and Materials, 567, 469–475, 2014.
- Wee Teo, Hor Yin, Muinuddin Maharun, Saravanan Karuppanan, M Shahir Liew, A Rahman Salleh, T.C Wong, “Research on HGV collisions with concrete bridge piers,” Applied Mechanics and Materials, 567, 648–653, 2014.
- Hor Yin, Wee Teo, “Parametric assessment for optimized truss models on FRP shear strengthened RC beams,” In: The 2014 IEEE Colloquium on Humanities, Science and Engineering (CHUSER2014), Penang, Malaysia, April 7 – 9, 2014.
- Hor Yin, Wee Teo, “A study on effective strains in different FRP shear strengthening schemes for analytical optimized truss models,” Advanced Materials Research, 935, 168–171, 2014.
- Wee Teo, Hor Yin, “Analytical truss models for prediction the shear strength of FRP strengthened reinforced concrete members”, In: The 11th International Symposium on Fiber Reinforced Polymer for Reinforced Concrete Structures (FRPRCS 11), Guimaraes, June 26 – 28, 2013.
- Wee Teo, H. Mohd Yusuf, B.N.O. Mbuziavo, Hor Yin, “Evaluation of optimised truss models for FRP shear strengthened RC beams,” In: The 18th Congress of IABSE Seoul 2012, South Korea, September 19 – 21, 2012.
- Wee Teo, N.H. Mohd Yusuf, B.N.O. Mbuziavo, Hor Yin, “Shear strengthening of reinforced concrete beams using shallow-angle CFRP laminate strips,” In: The 11th International Conference on Concrete Engineering and Technology 2012 (CONCET2012), Putrajaya, Malaysia, June 12 – 13, 2012.

បណ្ឌិត ប៊ិន ម៉ូលីន
- គោត្តនាម-នាម (Name): បណ្ឌិត ប៊ិន ម៉ូលីន / Dr. BIN MOLINNE
- តួនាទី (Position): Dean, Graduate School, NPIC
- ឯកទេស (Field): Structural Design
- លេខទូរស័ព្ទ (Phone No.): 012-821 662
- អ៊ីម៉ែល (E-mail):
- ជំនាញស្រាវជ្រាវ (Research Area):
- Steel structures
- Analysis of Suspension Roof Steel Structures
- Nonlinear Structural Analysis
- កម្រិតវប្បធម៌ទូទៅ និងបណ្តុះបណ្តាលវិជ្ជាជីវៈ (Academic Qualification):
កម្រិតសិក្សា (Degree) |
គ្រឹះស្ថានសិក្សា (Institution) |
ឆ្នាំបញ្ចប់ (Year of Graduation) |
Doctoral Degree |
Technical University of Kosice, Slovak Republic |
2005 |
Master’s Degree |
Technical University of Kosice, Slovak Republic |
1997 |
Bachelor Degree |
– |
– |
High School |
Kompong Thom |
1988 |
- ព្រឹត្តិបត្រស្រាវជ្រាវ (Publication):
- Kmet S., Bin M., “Sposoby analyzy visutych ohybovo tuhych elementov,” In: Zbornik prednasok z XXV. Celostatneho aktivu strategia rozvoja OK. DT Kosice, 1999, 201-207. (Slovak Language)
- Kmet S., Bin M., “Metody riesenia konstrukcii s visutymi ohybovo tuhymi elementami,” In: Zbornik zo seminara rozvojove tendencies v odbore OK. SvF TU Kosice, 2001, 115-120. (Slovak Language)
- Kmet S., Bin M., “Experimentalna a teoreticka analyza odozvy nelinearnych visutych ohybovo tuhych elementov,” Inzinierske stavby, 50(2), 2002, 11-17. (Slovak Language)
- Kmet S., Bin M., “Analyza odozvy visutych ohybovo tuhych elementov,” In: Zbornik zo VII. Vedeckej konferencie Stavebnej fakulty TU, 8. Sekcia: Kovove a drevene konstrukcie. Kosice, 2002, 39-44. (Slovak Language)
- Kmet S., Bin M., “Analyza visutych ohybovo tuhych elementov,” In: Zbornik 20. Cesko-slovenskej konferencie Ocelove konstrukce a mosty 2003. Editor J. Studnicka, CVUT Praha, 2003, 559-5564. (Slovak Language)

បណ្ឌិត ចេង ហ៊ឈង
- គោត្តនាម-នាម (Name): បណ្ឌិត ចេង ហ៊ឈង / Dr. Cheng Horchhong
- តួនាទី (Position): Dean, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, NPIC
- ឯកទេស (Field): Semiconductor Device
- លេខទូរស័ព្ទ (Phone No.): 011 25 45 18
- អ៊ីម៉ែល (E-mail):
- ជំនាញស្រាវជ្រាវ (Research Area):
- Sensor Engineering
- Biomass
- Solar cell
- កម្រិតវប្បធម៌ទូទៅ និងបណ្តុះបណ្តាលវិជ្ជាជីវៈ (Academic Qualification):
កម្រិតសិក្សា (Degree) |
គ្រឹះស្ថានសិក្សា (Institution) |
ឆ្នាំបញ្ចប់ (Year of Graduation) |
Doctoral Degree |
Kongju National University, South Korea |
2011 |
Master’s Degree |
Kongju National University, South Korea |
2009 |
Bachelor Degree |
Royal University of Phnom Penh |
2006 |
High School |
Preah Moha Ksatreiyani Kossamak |
2002 |
- ព្រឹត្តិបត្រស្រាវជ្រាវ (Publication):
- International peer-reviewed journals
- Chheuy Bona, Cheng Horchhong and Nemali Santosh Ganesh, “PSO and GSA Based over Current Relay with DG Penetration”, 10, 311-318, 2021.
- Han-Jung Kim, Young-You Kim, Ki-Won Lee, Horchhong Cheng and Dong-Han Ha, “Porous silicon layer for optical sensing of organic vapor”, 406, 1536-1541, 2011.
- Horchhong Cheng, Young-You Kim and Han-Jung Kim, “Influence of Sodium Chloride on Reflectance Spectrum of Porous Silicon Multilayer”, 60, 364-368, 2010.
- Han-Jung Kim, Horchhong Cheng, Seon-Hwa Park, Ki-Won Lee and Young-You Kim, “Variations in the Reflectance and in the Photoluminescence Spectrum of an Albumin-adsorbed Porous Silicon Microcavity”,56, 27-32, 2008.
- Conference papers
- Horchhong Cheng, Han-Jung Kim, Ki-Won Lee, Young-You Kim, “Current-Voltage Characteristic of Porous Silicon Albumin Absorption”, The Korean Physical Society, Gwangju, S. Korea, October 23-24, 2008
- Seon-Hwa Park, Horchhong Cheng, Seong-Ju Ryu, Han-Jung Kim, Young-You Kim, Jung Hoon Song and Ki-Won Lee, The 14th International Symposium on the Physics of Semiconductors and Application, Jeju, S. Korea, August 26-29, 2008.
- Sun-Hye Choi, Horchhong Cheng, Seon-Hwa Park, Han-Jung Kim, Young-You Kim and Ki-Won Lee, The Korean Sensor Society, November 16-17, S. Korea, 2007.
- Han-Jung Kim, Horchhong Cheng, Ki-won Lee and Young-You Kim, PSM 표면에 안부민을 흡착시킬 때의 발사율 및 PL 측정, 2007년 가을 학술논문발표회 및 임시총회, Jeju, S. Korea, 2007
- Han-Jung Kim, Horchhong Cheng, Sun-Hye Choi, Ki-Won Lee and Young You Kim, 단층 다공질규소의 표면에 알부민을 흡착시킬 때의 반사율 및 PL 측정, 2007년 가을 학술논문발표회 및 임시총회, Jeju, S. Korea, 2007

បណ្ឌិត ឈុំ អំណត់
- គោត្តនាម-នាម (Name): បណ្ឌិត ឈុំ អំណត់ / Dr. CHHOM AMNOTH
- តួនាទី (Position): Head of Department of Doctoral Studies, Graduate School, NPIC
- ឯកទេស (Field): Civil Engineering
- លេខទូរស័ព្ទ (Phone No.): 085 300 402
- អ៊ីម៉ែល (E-mail):
- ជំនាញស្រាវជ្រាវ (Research Area):
- Structural Design
- Finite Element Modeling
- កម្រិតវប្បធម៌ទូទៅ និងបណ្តុះបណ្តាលវិជ្ជាជីវៈ (Academic Qualification):
កម្រិតសិក្សា (Degree) |
គ្រឹះស្ថានសិក្សា (Institution) |
ឆ្នាំបញ្ចប់ (Year of Graduation) |
Doctoral Degree |
Novosibirsk State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering (Sibstrin), Russia |
2019 |
Master’s Degree |
Tambov State Technical University(TSTU), Russia |
2014 |
Bachelor Degree |
Tambov State Technical University(TSTU), Russia |
2012 |
High School |
Russey Keo High School |
2006 |
- ព្រឹត្តិបត្រស្រាវជ្រាវ (Publication):
- Chhom A. The influence of the pre-organized cracks in the tensile zone of the reinforced concrete beam under statically short-term loading/ А.Chhom, А.М. Kurobanov, F.K. Sametov// SibADI Bulletin, issue 6 (58), 2017. p.132 – 139. (In Russian)
- Chhom A., Mitasov V.M. Deformation of reinforced concrete beams with forming elements under long-term loading. MODERN HIGH TECHNOLOGIES. № 3, 2018. P. 79 – 84. (In Russian)
- Chhom A., V. Ledenev. Design Solutions of Unique Buildings and Structures. Questions of Modern Science and Practice V.I. Vernadsky University– 2014. №2(51). p. 60 – 70. (In Russian)
- Chhom A. Experimental investigation of deflected mode of the reinforced concrete beams with organized cracks under long-term loading. SibADI Bulletin, issue. 2018; 15(4):p.606-616. (In Russian)
- Chhom A. Numerical study of the stress-strain state of reinforced concrete beam with pre-organized cracks under short-term and long-term loading/ A. Chhom // IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 456 (2018) 012067. pp. 1 – 6. (In English)
- Chhom A. Reinforced concrete beams with organize cracked under long-term loading/ V.M. Mitasov, A. Chhom// JMEST (Journal of Multidisciplinary Engineering Science and Technology). – 2017. Vol.4 Issue 10. pp. 8494 – 8496. (In English)
- Chkhum A. Kurbonov A.M., Danilov M.N., Sametov F.K., Mitasov V.M. Investigation of the stress-strain state of a reinforced concrete beam with an artificial defect in tensile zone under statically short-term loading / A. Chkhum, // Bulletin of KazNiisa JSC. – Almaty. 2017. №. 9 (73), p. 9 – 16. (In Russian)

បណ្ឌិត គង់ រិទ្ធី
- គោត្តនាម-នាម (Name): បណ្ឌិត គង់ រិទ្ធី / Dr. KONG RITHY
- តួនាទី (Position): Head of Department of Master Programs, Graduate School, NPIC
- ឯកទេស (Field): Energy and Mechanical Engineering
- លេខទូរស័ព្ទ (Phone No.): 096 538 2280
- អ៊ីម៉ែល (E-mail):
- ជំនាញស្រាវជ្រាវ (Research Area):
- Energy and Exergy Efficiencies
- Thermal System and Solar Collectors
- Thermodynamics
- Heat Transfer Fluids
- Waste Heat Recovery
- Power Plants
- កម្រិតវប្បធម៌ទូទៅ និងបណ្តុះបណ្តាលវិជ្ជាជីវៈ (Academic Qualification)៖
កម្រិតសិក្សា (Degree) | គ្រឹះស្ថានសិក្សា (Institution) | ឆ្នាំបញ្ចប់ (Year of Graduation) |
Doctoral Degree | Chiang Mai University, Thailand | 2021 |
Master’s Degree | Chiang Mai University, Thailand | 2018 |
Bachelor Degree | Institute of Technology of Cambodia (ITC) | 2015 |
High School | O’am Bel High School | 2010 |
- ព្រឹត្តិបត្រស្រាវជ្រាវ (Publication):
- International peer-reviewed journals
- Rithy K., Thoranis D., Attakorn A., and Tanongkiat K., “Performance analysis of biomass boiler-organic Rankine cycle with assisted cascade heat pump for combined heat and power generation including exergy-costing,” Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments, Vol. 52, 2022, p. 102125.
- Rithy K., Thoranis D., Attakorn A., and Tanongkiat K., “Performance and economic evaluation of a photovoltaic/thermal (PV/T)-cascade heat pump for combined cooling, heat and power in Tropical climate area,” Journal of Energy Storage, Vol. 30, 2020, p. 101507.
- Rithy K., Thoranis D., Attakorn A., Nat V., and Tanongkiat K., “Thermodynamic performance analysis of a R245fa organic Rankine cycle (ORC) with different kinds of heat sources at evaporator,” Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, Vol. 13, 2019, p. 100385.
- Rithy K., Thoranis D., Attakorn A., and Tanongkiat K., “Thermal characteristics of helical coiled heat exchanger with graphene-deionized water on waste heat recovery of combustion stack gas,” Chiang Mai Univ J Nat Sci, Vol. 18, 2019, p. 50-67.
- Rithy K., Attakorn A., Thoranis D., and Tanongkiat K., “Heat transfer characteristics of deionized water-based graphene nanofluids in helical coiled heat exchanger for waste heat recovery of combustion stack gas,” Heat and Mass Transfer, Springer, Vol. 55, 2019, p. 385-396.
- Rithy K., Thoranis D., Attakorn A., and Tanongkiat K., “Heat transfer phenomena on waste heat recovery of combustion stack gas with deionized water in helical coiled heat exchanger,” Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, Vol. 12, 2018, p. 213-222.
- Conference papers
- Rithy K., Attakorn A., Thoranis D., and Tanongkiat K., “Photovoltaic (PV) module sizing of a PV-cascade heat pump for simultaneous hot water heating and building cooling in Tropical climate,” The 14th GMSARN International Conference on Smart Energy, Environment, and Development for Sustainable GMS, 27-29 November 2019, Luang Prabang, Lao PDR.
- Thoranis D. and Rithy K., “Study on Heat Transfer Behavior of Nanofluid in Helical Coil for Recovering Waste Heat from Stack,” The 18th Conference on Energy, Heat and Mass Transfer in Thermal Equipment and Process, 20-21 March 2019, Krabi Front Bay Resort, Krabi, Thailand.
- Rithy K., Thoranis D., Attakorn A., and Tanongkiat K., “Performance of nanofluids in helical coils for waste heat recovery of combustion stack gas and economic analysis,” The 17th Conference on Energy, Heat and Mass Transfer in Thermal Equipment and Process, 15-16 February 2018, Lampang Resort, Lampang, Thailand.
- Rithy K. and Tanongkiat K., “Heat transfer characteristics on waste heat recovery of combustion stack gas with deionized water in helical coiled heat exchanger,” The 10th Thailand Renewable Energy for Community Conference (TREC-10), 29-30 November 2017, Thaksin University, Phatthalung, Thailand.

បណ្ឌិត ឆៃ ប៉េងស្រ៊ន់
- គោត្តនាម-នាម (Name): បណ្ឌិត ឆៃ ប៉េងស្រ៊ន់ / Dr. Pengsrorn CHHAI
- តួនាទី (Position): Lecturer, Graduate School, NPIC
- ឯកទេស (Field): Mechanical Engineering
- លេខទូរស័ព្ទ (Phone No.): 017 464 898
- អ៊ីម៉ែល (E-mail):
- ជំនាញស្រាវជ្រាវ (Research Area):
- Bio-fluid
- Biomechanics
- Biomedical Engineering
- Computational Fluid Dynamics Analysis (CFD)
- Fluid Mechanics
- កម្រិតវប្បធម៌ទូទៅ និងបណ្តុះបណ្តាលវិជ្ជាជីវៈ (Academic Qualification):
កម្រិតសិក្សា (Degree) | គ្រឹះស្ថានសិក្សា (Institution) | ឆ្នាំបញ្ចប់ (Year of Graduation) |
Doctoral Degree | Myongji University, Republic of Korea | 2021 |
Master’s Degree | Myongji University, Republic of Korea | 2016 |
Bachelor Degree | Institute of Technology of Cambodia (ITC) | 2014 |
High School | Srey Santhor High School | 2009 |
- ព្រឹត្តិបត្រស្រាវជ្រាវ (Publication):
- International peer-reviewed journals
- Chhai, P., Lee, J. H., & Rhee, K. (2017). Effects of longitudinal asymmetric distribution of a lipid core on plaque wall stress. Journal of Biomechanical Science and Engineering, 12(1), 16-00588.
- Chhai, P., & Rhee, K. (2018). Effect of distal thickening and stiffening of plaque cap on arterial wall mechanics. Medical & biological engineering & computing, 56(11), 2003-2013.
- Park, M. H., Chhai, P., & Rhee, K. (2019). Analysis of flow and wall deformation in a stenotic flexible channel containing a soft core, simulating atherosclerotic arteries. International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing, 20(6), 1047-1056.
- Chhai, P., & Rhee, K. (2020). Computational study on phase lag of arterial-wall motion for assessment of plaque vulnerability. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part H: Journal of Engineering in Medicine, 234(5), 517-526.
- Kim, J. H., Chhai, P., & Rhee, K. (2021). Development and characterization of viscoelastic polydimethylsiloxane phantoms for simulating arterial wall motion. Medical Engineering & Physics, 91, 12-18.
- Conference papers
- Rhee, K., & Chhai, P. Effects of Coronary Plaque Wall Properties on the Wall Stress. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference of Fluid Flow, Heat and Mass Transfer (FFHMT’17), Toronto, Canada – August 21 – 23, 2017
- Pengsrorn CHHAI*, Jin Hyun LEE* and Kyehan RHEE, “Effects of longitudinal asymmetric distribution of a lipid core on plaque wall stress“. The 17th Korea Society of Biomechanics, Seoul, August, 2018

បណ្ឌិត ស៊ុន វ៉ាត
- គោត្តនាម-នាម (Name): បណ្ឌិត ស៊ុន វ៉ាត / Dr. SUN VAT
- តួនាទី (Position): Lecturer, Graduate School, NPIC
- ឯកទេស (Field): Energy Engineering
- លេខទូរស័ព្ទ (Phone No.): 081-878 452
- អ៊ីម៉ែល (E-mail):
- ជំនាញស្រាវជ្រាវ (Research Area):
- Thermal System and Solar Energy
- Thermal Energy Storage
- Energy Efficiency
- Numerical Calculation
- កម្រិតវប្បធម៌ទូទៅ និងបណ្តុះបណ្តាលវិជ្ជាជីវៈ (Academic Qualification):
កម្រិតសិក្សា (Degree) | គ្រឹះស្ថានសិក្សា (Institution) | ឆ្នាំបញ្ចប់ (Year of Graduation) |
Doctoral Degree | Chiang Mai University, Thailand | 2022 |
Master’s Degree | Chiang Mai University, Thailand | 2016 |
Bachelor Degree | Institute of Technology of Cambodia (ITC) | 2014 |
High School | Heng Samrin Prey Lvea High School | 2009 |
- ព្រឹត្តិបត្រស្រាវជ្រាវ (Publication):
- International peer-reviewed journals
- Vat Sun, Attakorn Asanakham, Thoranis Deethayat, and Tanongkiat Kiatsiriroat, “Performance analysis on combined heat and power of photovoltaic-thermal module integrated with phase change material-water storage”, Journal of Energy Storage, 47 (2022), 103614.
- Vat Sun, Attakorn Asanakham, Thoranis Deethayat, and Tanongkiat Kiatsiriroat, “Evaluation of nominal operating cell temperature (NOCT) of glazed photovoltaic thermal module”, Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, 28 (2021), 101361.
- Vat Sun, Attakorn Asanakham, Thoranis Deethayat, and Tanongkiat Kiatsiriroat, “A new method for evaluating nominal operating cell temperature (NOCT) of unglazed photovoltaic thermal module”, Energy Reports, 6 (2020), 1029–42.
- Vat Sun, Attakorn Asanakham, Thoranis Deethayat, and Tanongkiat Kiatsiriroat, “Increase of power generation from solar cell module by controlling its module temperature with phase change material”, Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, 34.6 (2020), 2609–18.
- Vat Sun, Attakorn Asanakham, Thoranis Deethayat, and Tanongkiat Kiatsiriroat, “Study on phase change material and its appropriate thickness for controlling solar cell module temperature”, International Journal of Ambient Energy, 41.1 (2020), 64–73.
- Thai peer-reviewed journal
- Vat Sun, Attakorn Asanakham, Thoranis Deethayat, Worrasid Trutassanawin, and Tanongkiat Kiatsiriroat, “Heat transfer behavior of phase change material for controlling solar cell module temperature”, Engineering Journal Chiang Mai University, 25.3 (2018), 167-177.
- Conference papers
- Vat Sun, Attakorn Asanakham, Thoranis Deethayat, Tanongkiat Kiatsiriroat, “Study of PCM-water storage on PVT module performance for power generation and hot water production”, The 14th GMSARN International Conference on Smart Energy, Environment, and Development for Sustainable GMS, November 27-29, 2019, Luang Prabang, Lao PDR.
- Vat Sun, Thoranis Deethayat, “Evaluation of normal operating cell temperature of unglazed PVT module for power generation”, The 17th Conference on Energy, Heat and Mass Transfer in Thermal Equipment and Process, February 15-16, 2018, Lampang, Thailand.
- Attakorn Asanakham, Vat Sun, Tanongkiat Kiatsiriroat “Use of apparent heat capacity model for reducing temperature of solar cell module having cooling with phase change material”, The 17th Conference on Energy, Heat and Mass Transfer in Thermal Equipment and Process, February 15-16, 2018, Lampang, Thailand.
- Vat Sun, Thoranis Deethayat, Attakorn Asanakham, Tanongkiat Kiatsiriroat, “Numerical and experimental studies on phase change material for reducing PV module temperature”, The 2016 International Conference on Advanced Technology & Sustainable Development, August 21-23, 2016, Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam.
- Vat Sun, Attakorn Asanakham, Thoranis Deethayat, Tanongkiat Kiatsiriroat, “Use of apparent heat capacity model for reducing temperature of solar cell module having cooling with phase change material”, The 15th Conference on Energy, Heat and Mass Transfer in Thermal Equipment and Process, March 30-31, 2016, Samui, Thailand.
- Vat Sun, Attakorn Asanakham, and Tanongkiat Kiatsiriroat, “Reduce of solar cell module temperature by phase change material for electricity generation enhancement”, The 8th Thailand Renewable Energy for Community Conference (TREC-8), November 4-6, 2015, Thanyaburi, Thailand.

លោក តេង ឆាយ
- គោត្តនាម-នាម (Name): តេង ឆាយ / TENG CHHAY (M.Eng.)
- តួនាទី (Position): Dean, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture, NPIC
- ឯកទេស (Field): Civil Engineering
- លេខទូរស័ព្ទ (Phone No.): 012-792 894
- អ៊ីម៉ែល (E-mail):
- ជំនាញស្រាវជ្រាវ (Research Area):
- Steel structures
- RC Structures
- កម្រិតវប្បធម៌ទូទៅ និងបណ្តុះបណ្តាលវិជ្ជាជីវៈ (Academic Qualification):
កម្រិតសិក្សា (Degree) |
គ្រឹះស្ថានសិក្សា (Institution) |
ឆ្នាំបញ្ចប់ (Year of Graduation) |
Master’s Degree |
Jeon Ju University, South Korea |
2011 |
Bachelor Degree |
Institute of Technology of Cambodia (ITC) |
2001 |
High School |
Sihanouk Ville High School |
1996 |

លោក មិន ឆេងហ៊ាន់
- គោត្តនាម-នាម (Name): មិន ឆេងហ៊ាន់ / MIN CHENGHORN (M. Eng.)
- តួនាទី (Position): Dean, Faculty of Automotive Engineering, NPIC
- ឯកទេស (Field): Automotive and Mechanical Engineering
- លេខទូរស័ព្ទ (Phone No.): 087/012 621 929
- អ៊ីម៉ែល (E-mail):
- ជំនាញស្រាវជ្រាវ (Research Area):
- Internal Combustion Engine (ICE)
- Engine Testing/Simulation/Design
- Alternative fuels
- កម្រិតវប្បធម៌ទូទៅ និងបណ្តុះបណ្តាលវិជ្ជាជីវៈ (Academic Qualification):
កម្រិតសិក្សា (Degree) គ្រឹះស្ថានសិក្សា (Institution) ឆ្នាំបញ្ចប់ (Year of Graduation) Master’s Degree Institute of Technology of Cambodia (ITC) 2019 Bachelor’s Degree National Polytechnic Institute of Cambodia (NPIC) 2009 High School KHSACH KANDAL HIGH SCHOOL 1988

អនុប្រធានកែសម្រួល (Co-Editor) និងអ្នកត្រួតពិនិត្យ (Reviewer)

អ្នកត្រួតពិនិត្យ (Reviewer)

អ្នកត្រួតពិនិត្យ (Reviewer)

បណ្ឌិត យិន ហ័រ
- គោត្តនាម-នាម (Name): បណ្ឌិត យិន ហ័រ / Dr. YIN HOR
- តួនាទី (Position): Vice Dean, Graduate School, NPIC
- ឯកទេស (Field): Architectural and Structural Design
- លេខទូរស័ព្ទ (Phone No.): 012/098-429 297
- អ៊ីម៉ែល (E-mail):
- ជំនាញស្រាវជ្រាវ (Research Area):
- Structural RC Design
- Rehabilitation and Strengthening RC Structures
- Finite Element Modelling
- Nonlinear Structural Analysis
- កម្រិតវប្បធម៌ទូទៅ និងបណ្តុះបណ្តាលវិជ្ជាជីវៈ (Academic Qualification):
កម្រិតសិក្សា (Degree) |
គ្រឹះស្ថានសិក្សា (Institution) |
ឆ្នាំបញ្ចប់ (Year of Graduation) |
Doctoral Degree |
Hokkaido University, Japan |
2018 |
Master’s Degree |
Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, Malaysia |
2014 |
Bachelor Degree |
Institute of Technology of Cambodia (ITC) |
2011 |
High School |
Bak Touk High School |
2006 |
- ព្រឹត្តិបត្រស្រាវជ្រាវ (Publication):
- International peer-reviewed journals
- Wee Teo, Hor Yin, “Suitability of optimized truss model to predict the FRP contribution to shear resistance for externally bonded FRP strengthened RC beams without internal shear reinforcement,” Composite Part B, 80, 385–398, 2015.
- Hor Yin, Wee Teo, Kazutaka Shirai, “Experimental investigation on the behaviour of reinforced concrete slabs strengthened with ultra-high performance concrete,” Construction and Building Materials, 155, 463–474, 2017.
- Hor Yin, Kazutaka Shirai, Wee Teo, “Prediction of shear capacity of UHPC–concrete composite structural members based on existing codes,” Journal of Civil Engineering and Management, 24(8), 607–618, 2018.
- Hor Yin, Kazutaka Shirai, Wee Teo, “Finite element modelling to predict the flexural behaviour of ultra-high performance concrete members,” Engineering Structures, 183, 741–755, 2019.
- Hor Yin, Kazutaka Shirai, Wee Teo, “Numerical model for predicting the structural response of composite UHPC–concrete members considering the bond strength at the interface,” Composite Structures, 215, 185–197, 2019.
- Hor Yin, Kazutaka Shirai, Wee Teo, “Numerical simulation of the blast-resistant response of ultrahigh-performance concrete structural members,” Journal of Civil Engineering and Management, 25(6), 587–598, 2019.
- Kazutaka Shirai, Hor Yin, Wee Teo, “Flexural capacity prediction of composite RC members strengthened with UHPC based on existing design models,” Structures, 23, 44–55, 2020.
- Conference papers
- Hor Yin, Chhay Teng, Vuthy Sar, “Repair and Strengthening Techniques for RC Structures,” Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture, National Polytechnic Institute of Cambodia, 2020.
- Hor Yin, Kazutaka Shirai, Wee Teo, “Response of UHPC-concrete composite structural members using implicit and explicit finite element method,” In: 2018 The 3rd International Conference on Advanced Functional Materials (ICAFM 2018), San Francisco, United States, August 3 – 5, 2018. (Online: Key Engineering Materials, 793, 93–97, 2019)
- Wee Teo, Kazutaka Shirai, Hor Yin, “Retrofitting and strengthening interventions of RC members using ultra high performance concrete (UHPC),” In: IABSE Conference – Engineering the Developing World, 726–731, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, April 25 – 27, 2018.
- Hor Yin, Kazutaka Shirai, Wee Teo, “Shear capacity prediction of reinforced concrete members strengthened with ultra-high performance concrete overlay,” In: Proceedings of the Japan Concrete Institute, 40(2), 1243–1248, June 2018.
- Kazutaka Shirai, Hor Yin, Wee Teo, “Flexural strength calculation of the RC members rehabilitated with UHPC,” In: Proceedings of the Japan Concrete Institute, 40(2), 1237–1242, June 2018.
- Hor Yin, Kazutaka Shirai, “Investigation of implicit and explicit FEM analysis for RC members strengthened with UHPC under static loading,” Architectural Institute of Japan (AIJ), Technical Paper of Annual Meeting, Japan, September 4 – 6, 2018.
- Hor Yin, Kazutaka Shirai, Wee Teo, “Model simulation on flexural behavior of ultra-high performance fiber reinforced concrete,” Architectural Institute of Japan (AIJ), Technical Paper of Annual Meeting, Japan, August 31 – September 5, 2017.
- Hor Yin, Kazutaka Shirai, Wee Teo, “Numerical assessment of ultra-high performance concrete material,” In: 2016 IEEE International Conference on Innovative Engineering Materials (ICIEM 2016), Singapore, August 20 – 22, 2016. (Online open: IOP Conference Series, Materials Science and Engineering, 241, 2017, p. 012004)
- Hor Yin, Wee Teo, Do Kyun Kim, “Experimental evaluation on UHPFRC-wide beams under bending loads,” In: – Proceedings of the International Conference on Civil, Architectural, Structural and Constructional Engineering, Dong-A University, Busan, South Korea, August 21 – 23, 2015. (Online: Advances in Civil, Architectural, Structural and Constructional Engineering, 237–241, 2016 Taylor & Francis Group)
- Wee Teo, Hor Yin, “Optimized effective strain model for externally bonded FRP shear strengthened RC members,” In: The 7th International Conference on FRP Composites in Civil Engineering (CICE2014), Vancouver, Canada, August 20 – 22, 2014.
- Hor Yin, Wee Teo, “Prediction the shear strength for FRP shear strengthened RC beams based on optimized truss models,” Applied Mechanics and Materials, 567, 469–475, 2014.
- Wee Teo, Hor Yin, Muinuddin Maharun, Saravanan Karuppanan, M Shahir Liew, A Rahman Salleh, T.C Wong, “Research on HGV collisions with concrete bridge piers,” Applied Mechanics and Materials, 567, 648–653, 2014.
- Hor Yin, Wee Teo, “Parametric assessment for optimized truss models on FRP shear strengthened RC beams,” In: The 2014 IEEE Colloquium on Humanities, Science and Engineering (CHUSER2014), Penang, Malaysia, April 7 – 9, 2014.
- Hor Yin, Wee Teo, “A study on effective strains in different FRP shear strengthening schemes for analytical optimized truss models,” Advanced Materials Research, 935, 168–171, 2014.
- Wee Teo, Hor Yin, “Analytical truss models for prediction the shear strength of FRP strengthened reinforced concrete members”, In: The 11th International Symposium on Fiber Reinforced Polymer for Reinforced Concrete Structures (FRPRCS 11), Guimaraes, June 26 – 28, 2013.
- Wee Teo, H. Mohd Yusuf, B.N.O. Mbuziavo, Hor Yin, “Evaluation of optimised truss models for FRP shear strengthened RC beams,” In: The 18th Congress of IABSE Seoul 2012, South Korea, September 19 – 21, 2012.
- Wee Teo, N.H. Mohd Yusuf, B.N.O. Mbuziavo, Hor Yin, “Shear strengthening of reinforced concrete beams using shallow-angle CFRP laminate strips,” In: The 11th International Conference on Concrete Engineering and Technology 2012 (CONCET2012), Putrajaya, Malaysia, June 12 – 13, 2012.

បណ្ឌិត ឈុំ អំណត់
- គោត្តនាម-នាម (Name): បណ្ឌិត ឈុំ អំណត់ / Dr. CHHOM AMNOTH
- តួនាទី (Position): Head of Department of Doctoral Studies, Graduate School, NPIC
- ឯកទេស (Field): Civil Engineering
- លេខទូរស័ព្ទ (Phone No.): 085 300 402
- អ៊ីម៉ែល (E-mail):
- ជំនាញស្រាវជ្រាវ (Research Area):
- Structural Design
- Finite Element Modeling
- កម្រិតវប្បធម៌ទូទៅ និងបណ្តុះបណ្តាលវិជ្ជាជីវៈ (Academic Qualification):
កម្រិតសិក្សា (Degree) |
គ្រឹះស្ថានសិក្សា (Institution) |
ឆ្នាំបញ្ចប់ (Year of Graduation) |
Doctoral Degree |
Novosibirsk State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering (Sibstrin), Russia |
2019 |
Master’s Degree |
Tambov State Technical University(TSTU), Russia |
2014 |
Bachelor Degree |
Tambov State Technical University(TSTU), Russia |
2012 |
High School |
Russey Keo High School |
2006 |
- ព្រឹត្តិបត្រស្រាវជ្រាវ (Publication):
- Chhom A. The influence of the pre-organized cracks in the tensile zone of the reinforced concrete beam under statically short-term loading/ А.Chhom, А.М. Kurobanov, F.K. Sametov// SibADI Bulletin, issue 6 (58), 2017. p.132 – 139. (In Russian)
- Chhom A., Mitasov V.M. Deformation of reinforced concrete beams with forming elements under long-term loading. MODERN HIGH TECHNOLOGIES. № 3, 2018. P. 79 – 84. (In Russian)
- Chhom A., V. Ledenev. Design Solutions of Unique Buildings and Structures. Questions of Modern Science and Practice V.I. Vernadsky University– 2014. №2(51). p. 60 – 70. (In Russian)
- Chhom A. Experimental investigation of deflected mode of the reinforced concrete beams with organized cracks under long-term loading. SibADI Bulletin, issue. 2018; 15(4):p.606-616. (In Russian)
- Chhom A. Numerical study of the stress-strain state of reinforced concrete beam with pre-organized cracks under short-term and long-term loading/ A. Chhom // IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 456 (2018) 012067. pp. 1 – 6. (In English)
- Chhom A. Reinforced concrete beams with organize cracked under long-term loading/ V.M. Mitasov, A. Chhom// JMEST (Journal of Multidisciplinary Engineering Science and Technology). – 2017. Vol.4 Issue 10. pp. 8494 – 8496. (In English)
- Chkhum A. Kurbonov A.M., Danilov M.N., Sametov F.K., Mitasov V.M. Investigation of the stress-strain state of a reinforced concrete beam with an artificial defect in tensile zone under statically short-term loading / A. Chkhum, // Bulletin of KazNiisa JSC. – Almaty. 2017. №. 9 (73), p. 9 – 16. (In Russian)

បណ្ឌិត ប៊ិន ម៉ូលីន
- គោត្តនាម-នាម (Name): បណ្ឌិត ប៊ិន ម៉ូលីន / Dr. BIN MOLINNE
- តួនាទី (Position): Dean, Graduate School, NPIC
- ឯកទេស (Field): Structural Design
- លេខទូរស័ព្ទ (Phone No.): 012-821 662
- អ៊ីម៉ែល (E-mail):
- ជំនាញស្រាវជ្រាវ (Research Area):
- Steel structures
- Analysis of Suspension Roof Steel Structures
- Nonlinear Structural Analysis
- កម្រិតវប្បធម៌ទូទៅ និងបណ្តុះបណ្តាលវិជ្ជាជីវៈ (Academic Qualification):
កម្រិតសិក្សា (Degree) |
គ្រឹះស្ថានសិក្សា (Institution) |
ឆ្នាំបញ្ចប់ (Year of Graduation) |
Doctoral Degree |
Technical University of Kosice, Slovak Republic |
2005 |
Master’s Degree |
Technical University of Kosice, Slovak Republic |
1997 |
Bachelor Degree |
– |
– |
High School |
Kompong Thom |
1988 |
- ព្រឹត្តិបត្រស្រាវជ្រាវ (Publication):
- Kmet S., Bin M., “Sposoby analyzy visutych ohybovo tuhych elementov,” In: Zbornik prednasok z XXV. Celostatneho aktivu strategia rozvoja OK. DT Kosice, 1999, 201-207. (Slovak Language)
- Kmet S., Bin M., “Metody riesenia konstrukcii s visutymi ohybovo tuhymi elementami,” In: Zbornik zo seminara rozvojove tendencies v odbore OK. SvF TU Kosice, 2001, 115-120. (Slovak Language)
- Kmet S., Bin M., “Experimentalna a teoreticka analyza odozvy nelinearnych visutych ohybovo tuhych elementov,” Inzinierske stavby, 50(2), 2002, 11-17. (Slovak Language)
- Kmet S., Bin M., “Analyza odozvy visutych ohybovo tuhych elementov,” In: Zbornik zo VII. Vedeckej konferencie Stavebnej fakulty TU, 8. Sekcia: Kovove a drevene konstrukcie. Kosice, 2002, 39-44. (Slovak Language)
- Kmet S., Bin M., “Analyza visutych ohybovo tuhych elementov,” In: Zbornik 20. Cesko-slovenskej konferencie Ocelove konstrukce a mosty 2003. Editor J. Studnicka, CVUT Praha, 2003, 559-5564. (Slovak Language)

លោក តេង ឆាយ
- គោត្តនាម-នាម (Name): តេង ឆាយ / TENG CHHAY (M.Eng.)
- តួនាទី (Position): Dean, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture, NPIC
- ឯកទេស (Field): Civil Engineering
- លេខទូរស័ព្ទ (Phone No.): 012-792 894
- អ៊ីម៉ែល (E-mail):
- ជំនាញស្រាវជ្រាវ (Research Area):
- Steel structures
- RC Structures
- កម្រិតវប្បធម៌ទូទៅ និងបណ្តុះបណ្តាលវិជ្ជាជីវៈ (Academic Qualification):
កម្រិតសិក្សា (Degree) |
គ្រឹះស្ថានសិក្សា (Institution) |
ឆ្នាំបញ្ចប់ (Year of Graduation) |
Master’s Degree |
Jeon Ju University, South Korea |
2011 |
Bachelor Degree |
Institute of Technology of Cambodia (ITC) |
2001 |
High School |
Sihanouk Ville High School |
1996 |

Dr. Park Yang Hee

បណ្ឌិត សឿន សម្បត្តិ
- គោត្តនាម-នាម (Name): បណ្ឌិត សឿន សម្បត្តិ / SEUN SAMBATH
- តួនាទី (Position): Part-time Lecturer, Graduate School, NPIC
- ឯកទេស (Field): Civil Engineering
- លេខទូរស័ព្ទ (Phone No.): 017-203 040
- អ៊ីម៉ែល (E-mail): —-
- ជំនាញស្រាវជ្រាវ (Research Area):
- ការវិភាគគ្រឿងបង្គុំសំណង់
- ការគណនាគ្រឿងបង្គុំសំណង់
- កម្រិតវប្បធម៌ទូទៅ និងបណ្តុះបណ្តាលវិជ្ជាជីវៈ (Academic Qualification):
កម្រិតសិក្សា (Degree) | គ្រឹះស្ថានសិក្សា (Institution) | ឆ្នាំបញ្ចប់ (Year of Graduation) |
Doctoral Degree | សាកលវិទ្យាល័យរុស្ស៊ី មិត្តភាពប្រជាជន | 2000 |
Master’s Degree | សាកលវិទ្យាល័យរុស្ស៊ី មិត្តភាពប្រជាជន | 1996 |
Bachelor Degree | សាកលវិទ្យាល័យរុស្ស៊ី មិត្តភាពប្រជាជន | 1994 |
High School | វិទ្យាល័យ បាក់ទូក | 1988 |

បណ្ឌិត ប៉ោ សុភាព
- គោត្តនាម-នាម (Name): បណ្ឌិត ប៉ោ សុភាព / POR SOPHEAP
- តួនាទី (Position): Part-time Lecturer, Graduate School, NPIC
- ឯកទេស (Field): Engineering Foundation Design
- លេខទូរស័ព្ទ (Phone No.): 089-399 901
- អ៊ីម៉ែល (E-mail):
- ជំនាញស្រាវជ្រាវ (Research Area):
- Engineering Foundation
- Slope Stability and Retaining Wall
- Ground Improvement
- Deep Excavation
- កម្រិតវប្បធម៌ទូទៅ និងបណ្តុះបណ្តាលវិជ្ជាជីវៈ (Academic Qualification):
កម្រិតសិក្សា (Degree) | គ្រឹះស្ថានសិក្សា (Institution) | ឆ្នាំបញ្ចប់ (Year of Graduation) |
Doctoral Degree | Chulalongkorn University, Thailand | 2015 |
Master’s Degree | University of Gadjah Mada, Indonesia | 2012 |
Bachelor Degree | Institute of Technology of Cambodia (ITC) | 2010 |
High School | Touk Meas High School | 2005 |
- ព្រឹត្តិបត្រស្រាវជ្រាវ (Publication):
- Por, S., Likitlersuang, S., Nishimura, S. (2015). Investigation of shrinkage and swelling behaviour of expansive/non-expansive clay mixtures. Geotech. Eng. J. SEAGS AGSSEA, 46(1), 117-127.
- Por, S., Nishimura, S., Likitlersuang, S. (2017). Deformation characteristics and stress responses of cement-treated expansive clay under confined one-dimensional swelling. Applied Clay Science, 146, 316-324.
- Por, S., Nishimura, S., Likitlersuang, S. (2017). Study and Research Experiences in Japan and Works after Returning from Japan, Publication in Japan Society of Civil Engineers International Activities Center December 1, 2017 IAC News No.62

លោក ឯក សុភា
- គោត្តនាម-នាម (Name): ឯក សុភា / EK SOPHEA
- តួនាទី (Position): Part-time Lecturer, Graduate School, NPIC
- ឯកទេស (Field): ស្ថាបត្យកម្មសំណង់អគារ និងរៀបចំក្រុង
- លេខទូរស័ព្ទ (Phone No.): 012-878 815
- អ៊ីម៉ែល (E-mail):
- ជំនាញស្រាវជ្រាវ (Research Area):
- Architectural Concepts
- Architectural Sustainability
- Urban Planning and Urban City
- កម្រិតវប្បធម៌ទូទៅ និងបណ្តុះបណ្តាលវិជ្ជាជីវៈ (Academic Qualification):
កម្រិតសិក្សា (Degree) | គ្រឹះស្ថានសិក្សា (Institution) | ឆ្នាំបញ្ចប់ (Year of Graduation) |
Master’s Degree | Kazakhstan Academy of construction and Architecture | 1996 |
High School | Santhormok High School | 1988 |

លោក សុខ សុផល
- គោត្តនាម-នាម (Name): សុខ សុផល / SOK SOPHAL
- តួនាទី (Position): Part-time Lecturer, Graduate School, NPIC
- ឯកទេស (Field): ស្ថាបត្យកម្ម
- លេខទូរស័ព្ទ (Phone No.): 012-243 282
- អ៊ីម៉ែល (E-mail): ……..
- ជំនាញស្រាវជ្រាវ (Research Area):
- Urban planning and construction
- កម្រិតវប្បធម៌ទូទៅ និងបណ្តុះបណ្តាលវិជ្ជាជីវៈ (Academic Qualification):
កម្រិតសិក្សា (Degree) | គ្រឹះស្ថានសិក្សា (Institution) | ឆ្នាំបញ្ចប់ (Year of Graduation) |
Master’s Degree | សាកលវិទ្យាល័យស្ថាបត្យកម្ម ក្រុងហូជីមិញ | 1993 |
Bachelor Degree | វិទ្យាស្ថានបច្ចេកទេសទី២ សហភាពសូវៀត | 1984 |

លោក ជីង ឆោមមុនី
- គោត្តនាម-នាម (Name): ជីង ឆោមមុនី / CHING CHHOMMONNY
- តួនាទី (Position): Part-time Lecturer, Graduate School, NPIC
- ឯកទេស (Field): រៀបចំក្រុង និងសំណង់
- លេខទូរស័ព្ទ (Phone No.): 012-997 990
- អ៊ីម៉ែល (E-mail): ……..
- ជំនាញស្រាវជ្រាវ (Research Area):
- Urban planning and construction
- កម្រិតវប្បធម៌ទូទៅ និងបណ្តុះបណ្តាលវិជ្ជាជីវៈ (Academic Qualification):
កម្រិតសិក្សា (Degree) | គ្រឹះស្ថានសិក្សា (Institution) | ឆ្នាំបញ្ចប់ (Year of Graduation) |
Master’s Degree | បណ្ឌិតសភាស្ថាបត្យកម្ម និងសំណង់រដ្ឋាភិបាលកាហ្សាស្តង់ | 1997 |
Bachelor Degree | វិទ្យាស្ថានបច្ចេកវិទ្យាកម្ពុជា (តិចណូ) | 1988 |
High School | វិទ្យាល័យទួលគោក | 1984 |

លោក ទូច ឌីវណ្ណពិសិដ្ឋ

លោកស្រី គាង រជ្ជនី

លោក វ៉ែន ចាន់តារ៉ា
- គោត្តនាម-នាម (Name): វ៉ែន ចាន់តារ៉ា / VEN CHANDARA (M.Eng.)
- តួនាទី (Position): Head of Laboratory, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture, NPIC
- ឯកទេស (Field): Structural Design
- លេខទូរស័ព្ទ (Phone No.): 012-528 172
- អ៊ីម៉ែល (E-mail):
- ជំនាញស្រាវជ្រាវ (Research Area):
- Structural RC Design
- Directional wave spectrum by using: MEMI and MEM II, Synthesized time series of wave will be used to verify directional spectra, Analysis of Wave Parameters based on the sea surface Images Obtained from X-band Marine Radar.
- កម្រិតវប្បធម៌ទូទៅ និងបណ្តុះបណ្តាលវិជ្ជាជីវៈ (Academic Qualification):
កម្រិតសិក្សា (Degree) | គ្រឹះស្ថានសិក្សា (Institution) | ឆ្នាំបញ្ចប់ (Year of Graduation) |
Master’s Degree | Handong Global University, South Korea | 2014 |
Bachelor Degree | National Polytechnic Institute of Cambodia (NPIC) | 2011 |
High School | Angsnoul High School | 2007 |

អ្នកត្រួតពិនិត្យ (Reviewer)

អ្នកត្រួតពិនិត្យ (Reviewer)

អ្នកត្រួតពិនិត្យ (Reviewer)

អ្នកត្រួតពិនិត្យ (Reviewer)

អ្នកត្រួតពិនិត្យ (Reviewer)

អ្នកត្រួតពិនិត្យ (Reviewer)

អ្នកត្រួតពិនិត្យ (Reviewer)

អ្នកត្រួតពិនិត្យ (Reviewer)

អ្នកត្រួតពិនិត្យ (Reviewer)

អ្នកត្រួតពិនិត្យ (Reviewer)

បណ្ឌិត ចេង ហ៊ឈង
- គោត្តនាម-នាម (Name): បណ្ឌិត ចេង ហ៊ឈង / Dr. Cheng Horchhong
- តួនាទី (Position): Dean, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, NPIC
- ឯកទេស (Field): Semiconductor Device
- លេខទូរស័ព្ទ (Phone No.): 011 25 45 18
- អ៊ីម៉ែល (E-mail):
- ជំនាញស្រាវជ្រាវ (Research Area):
- Sensor Engineering
- Biomass
- Solar cell
- កម្រិតវប្បធម៌ទូទៅ និងបណ្តុះបណ្តាលវិជ្ជាជីវៈ (Academic Qualification):
កម្រិតសិក្សា (Degree) |
គ្រឹះស្ថានសិក្សា (Institution) |
ឆ្នាំបញ្ចប់ (Year of Graduation) |
Doctoral Degree |
Kongju National University, South Korea |
2011 |
Master’s Degree |
Kongju National University, South Korea |
2009 |
Bachelor Degree |
Royal University of Phnom Penh |
2006 |
High School |
Preah Moha Ksatreiyani Kossamak |
2002 |
- ព្រឹត្តិបត្រស្រាវជ្រាវ (Publication):
- International peer-reviewed journals
- Chheuy Bona, Cheng Horchhong and Nemali Santosh Ganesh, “PSO and GSA Based over Current Relay with DG Penetration”, 10, 311-318, 2021.
- Han-Jung Kim, Young-You Kim, Ki-Won Lee, Horchhong Cheng and Dong-Han Ha, “Porous silicon layer for optical sensing of organic vapor”, 406, 1536-1541, 2011.
- Horchhong Cheng, Young-You Kim and Han-Jung Kim, “Influence of Sodium Chloride on Reflectance Spectrum of Porous Silicon Multilayer”, 60, 364-368, 2010.
- Han-Jung Kim, Horchhong Cheng, Seon-Hwa Park, Ki-Won Lee and Young-You Kim, “Variations in the Reflectance and in the Photoluminescence Spectrum of an Albumin-adsorbed Porous Silicon Microcavity”,56, 27-32, 2008.
- Conference papers
- Horchhong Cheng, Han-Jung Kim, Ki-Won Lee, Young-You Kim, “Current-Voltage Characteristic of Porous Silicon Albumin Absorption”, The Korean Physical Society, Gwangju, S. Korea, October 23-24, 2008
- Seon-Hwa Park, Horchhong Cheng, Seong-Ju Ryu, Han-Jung Kim, Young-You Kim, Jung Hoon Song and Ki-Won Lee, The 14th International Symposium on the Physics of Semiconductors and Application, Jeju, S. Korea, August 26-29, 2008.
- Sun-Hye Choi, Horchhong Cheng, Seon-Hwa Park, Han-Jung Kim, Young-You Kim and Ki-Won Lee, The Korean Sensor Society, November 16-17, S. Korea, 2007.
- Han-Jung Kim, Horchhong Cheng, Ki-won Lee and Young-You Kim, PSM 표면에 안부민을 흡착시킬 때의 발사율 및 PL 측정, 2007년 가을 학술논문발표회 및 임시총회, Jeju, S. Korea, 2007
- Han-Jung Kim, Horchhong Cheng, Sun-Hye Choi, Ki-Won Lee and Young You Kim, 단층 다공질규소의 표면에 알부민을 흡착시킬 때의 반사율 및 PL 측정, 2007년 가을 학술논문발표회 및 임시총회, Jeju, S. Korea, 2007

បណ្ឌិត អោ ច័ន្ទម៉ូលី

បណ្ឌិត ប៉ិច រត្តនា

បណ្ឌិត អៀង សៀងហ័រ

បណ្ឌិត ឡេង ដារិទ្ធ

លោក អៀង សុគន្ធ

លោក ជឿង ជីវន្ត

លោក លីម ម៉េងស៊ាង

លោក ស៊ុយ គឹមសុង

លោក មាស សារ៉ន

លោក ស៊្រុន ចាន់ណារ៉េត

អ្នកត្រួតពិនិត្យ (Reviewer)

អ្នកត្រួតពិនិត្យ (Reviewer)

បណ្ឌិត គង់ រិទ្ធី
- គោត្តនាម-នាម (Name): បណ្ឌិត គង់ រិទ្ធី / Dr. KONG RITHY
- តួនាទី (Position): Head of Department of Master Programs, Graduate School, NPIC
- ឯកទេស (Field): Energy and Mechanical Engineering
- លេខទូរស័ព្ទ (Phone No.): 096 538 2280
- អ៊ីម៉ែល (E-mail):
- ជំនាញស្រាវជ្រាវ (Research Area):
- Energy and Exergy Efficiencies
- Thermal System and Solar Collectors
- Thermodynamics
- Heat Transfer Fluids
- Waste Heat Recovery
- Power Plants
- កម្រិតវប្បធម៌ទូទៅ និងបណ្តុះបណ្តាលវិជ្ជាជីវៈ (Academic Qualification)៖
កម្រិតសិក្សា (Degree) | គ្រឹះស្ថានសិក្សា (Institution) | ឆ្នាំបញ្ចប់ (Year of Graduation) |
Doctoral Degree | Chiang Mai University, Thailand | 2021 |
Master’s Degree | Chiang Mai University, Thailand | 2018 |
Bachelor Degree | Institute of Technology of Cambodia (ITC) | 2015 |
High School | O’am Bel High School | 2010 |
- ព្រឹត្តិបត្រស្រាវជ្រាវ (Publication):
- International peer-reviewed journals
- Rithy K., Thoranis D., Attakorn A., and Tanongkiat K., “Performance analysis of biomass boiler-organic Rankine cycle with assisted cascade heat pump for combined heat and power generation including exergy-costing,” Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments, Vol. 52, 2022, p. 102125.
- Rithy K., Thoranis D., Attakorn A., and Tanongkiat K., “Performance and economic evaluation of a photovoltaic/thermal (PV/T)-cascade heat pump for combined cooling, heat and power in Tropical climate area,” Journal of Energy Storage, Vol. 30, 2020, p. 101507.
- Rithy K., Thoranis D., Attakorn A., Nat V., and Tanongkiat K., “Thermodynamic performance analysis of a R245fa organic Rankine cycle (ORC) with different kinds of heat sources at evaporator,” Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, Vol. 13, 2019, p. 100385.
- Rithy K., Thoranis D., Attakorn A., and Tanongkiat K., “Thermal characteristics of helical coiled heat exchanger with graphene-deionized water on waste heat recovery of combustion stack gas,” Chiang Mai Univ J Nat Sci, Vol. 18, 2019, p. 50-67.
- Rithy K., Attakorn A., Thoranis D., and Tanongkiat K., “Heat transfer characteristics of deionized water-based graphene nanofluids in helical coiled heat exchanger for waste heat recovery of combustion stack gas,” Heat and Mass Transfer, Springer, Vol. 55, 2019, p. 385-396.
- Rithy K., Thoranis D., Attakorn A., and Tanongkiat K., “Heat transfer phenomena on waste heat recovery of combustion stack gas with deionized water in helical coiled heat exchanger,” Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, Vol. 12, 2018, p. 213-222.
- Conference papers
- Rithy K., Attakorn A., Thoranis D., and Tanongkiat K., “Photovoltaic (PV) module sizing of a PV-cascade heat pump for simultaneous hot water heating and building cooling in Tropical climate,” The 14th GMSARN International Conference on Smart Energy, Environment, and Development for Sustainable GMS, 27-29 November 2019, Luang Prabang, Lao PDR.
- Thoranis D. and Rithy K., “Study on Heat Transfer Behavior of Nanofluid in Helical Coil for Recovering Waste Heat from Stack,” The 18th Conference on Energy, Heat and Mass Transfer in Thermal Equipment and Process, 20-21 March 2019, Krabi Front Bay Resort, Krabi, Thailand.
- Rithy K., Thoranis D., Attakorn A., and Tanongkiat K., “Performance of nanofluids in helical coils for waste heat recovery of combustion stack gas and economic analysis,” The 17th Conference on Energy, Heat and Mass Transfer in Thermal Equipment and Process, 15-16 February 2018, Lampang Resort, Lampang, Thailand.
- Rithy K. and Tanongkiat K., “Heat transfer characteristics on waste heat recovery of combustion stack gas with deionized water in helical coiled heat exchanger,” The 10th Thailand Renewable Energy for Community Conference (TREC-10), 29-30 November 2017, Thaksin University, Phatthalung, Thailand.

បណ្ឌិត ឆៃ ប៉េងស្រ៊ន់
- គោត្តនាម-នាម (Name): បណ្ឌិត ឆៃ ប៉េងស្រ៊ន់ / Dr. Pengsrorn CHHAI
- តួនាទី (Position): Lecturer, Graduate School, NPIC
- ឯកទេស (Field): Mechanical Engineering
- លេខទូរស័ព្ទ (Phone No.): 017 464 898
- អ៊ីម៉ែល (E-mail):
- ជំនាញស្រាវជ្រាវ (Research Area):
- Bio-fluid
- Biomechanics
- Biomedical Engineering
- Computational Fluid Dynamics Analysis (CFD)
- Fluid Mechanics
- កម្រិតវប្បធម៌ទូទៅ និងបណ្តុះបណ្តាលវិជ្ជាជីវៈ (Academic Qualification):
កម្រិតសិក្សា (Degree) | គ្រឹះស្ថានសិក្សា (Institution) | ឆ្នាំបញ្ចប់ (Year of Graduation) |
Doctoral Degree | Myongji University, Republic of Korea | 2021 |
Master’s Degree | Myongji University, Republic of Korea | 2016 |
Bachelor Degree | Institute of Technology of Cambodia (ITC) | 2014 |
High School | Srey Santhor High School | 2009 |
- ព្រឹត្តិបត្រស្រាវជ្រាវ (Publication):
- International peer-reviewed journals
- Chhai, P., Lee, J. H., & Rhee, K. (2017). Effects of longitudinal asymmetric distribution of a lipid core on plaque wall stress. Journal of Biomechanical Science and Engineering, 12(1), 16-00588.
- Chhai, P., & Rhee, K. (2018). Effect of distal thickening and stiffening of plaque cap on arterial wall mechanics. Medical & biological engineering & computing, 56(11), 2003-2013.
- Park, M. H., Chhai, P., & Rhee, K. (2019). Analysis of flow and wall deformation in a stenotic flexible channel containing a soft core, simulating atherosclerotic arteries. International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing, 20(6), 1047-1056.
- Chhai, P., & Rhee, K. (2020). Computational study on phase lag of arterial-wall motion for assessment of plaque vulnerability. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part H: Journal of Engineering in Medicine, 234(5), 517-526.
- Kim, J. H., Chhai, P., & Rhee, K. (2021). Development and characterization of viscoelastic polydimethylsiloxane phantoms for simulating arterial wall motion. Medical Engineering & Physics, 91, 12-18.
- Conference papers
- Rhee, K., & Chhai, P. Effects of Coronary Plaque Wall Properties on the Wall Stress. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference of Fluid Flow, Heat and Mass Transfer (FFHMT’17), Toronto, Canada – August 21 – 23, 2017
- Pengsrorn CHHAI*, Jin Hyun LEE* and Kyehan RHEE, “Effects of longitudinal asymmetric distribution of a lipid core on plaque wall stress“. The 17th Korea Society of Biomechanics, Seoul, August, 2018

បណ្ឌិត ស៊ុន វ៉ាត
- គោត្តនាម-នាម (Name): បណ្ឌិត ស៊ុន វ៉ាត / Dr. SUN VAT
- តួនាទី (Position): Lecturer, Graduate School, NPIC
- ឯកទេស (Field): Energy Engineering
- លេខទូរស័ព្ទ (Phone No.): 081-878 452
- អ៊ីម៉ែល (E-mail):
- ជំនាញស្រាវជ្រាវ (Research Area):
- Thermal System and Solar Energy
- Thermal Energy Storage
- Energy Efficiency
- Numerical Calculation
- កម្រិតវប្បធម៌ទូទៅ និងបណ្តុះបណ្តាលវិជ្ជាជីវៈ (Academic Qualification):
កម្រិតសិក្សា (Degree) | គ្រឹះស្ថានសិក្សា (Institution) | ឆ្នាំបញ្ចប់ (Year of Graduation) |
Doctoral Degree | Chiang Mai University, Thailand | 2022 |
Master’s Degree | Chiang Mai University, Thailand | 2016 |
Bachelor Degree | Institute of Technology of Cambodia (ITC) | 2014 |
High School | Heng Samrin Prey Lvea High School | 2009 |
- ព្រឹត្តិបត្រស្រាវជ្រាវ (Publication):
- International peer-reviewed journals
- Vat Sun, Attakorn Asanakham, Thoranis Deethayat, and Tanongkiat Kiatsiriroat, “Performance analysis on combined heat and power of photovoltaic-thermal module integrated with phase change material-water storage”, Journal of Energy Storage, 47 (2022), 103614.
- Vat Sun, Attakorn Asanakham, Thoranis Deethayat, and Tanongkiat Kiatsiriroat, “Evaluation of nominal operating cell temperature (NOCT) of glazed photovoltaic thermal module”, Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, 28 (2021), 101361.
- Vat Sun, Attakorn Asanakham, Thoranis Deethayat, and Tanongkiat Kiatsiriroat, “A new method for evaluating nominal operating cell temperature (NOCT) of unglazed photovoltaic thermal module”, Energy Reports, 6 (2020), 1029–42.
- Vat Sun, Attakorn Asanakham, Thoranis Deethayat, and Tanongkiat Kiatsiriroat, “Increase of power generation from solar cell module by controlling its module temperature with phase change material”, Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, 34.6 (2020), 2609–18.
- Vat Sun, Attakorn Asanakham, Thoranis Deethayat, and Tanongkiat Kiatsiriroat, “Study on phase change material and its appropriate thickness for controlling solar cell module temperature”, International Journal of Ambient Energy, 41.1 (2020), 64–73.
- Thai peer-reviewed journal
- Vat Sun, Attakorn Asanakham, Thoranis Deethayat, Worrasid Trutassanawin, and Tanongkiat Kiatsiriroat, “Heat transfer behavior of phase change material for controlling solar cell module temperature”, Engineering Journal Chiang Mai University, 25.3 (2018), 167-177.
- Conference papers
- Vat Sun, Attakorn Asanakham, Thoranis Deethayat, Tanongkiat Kiatsiriroat, “Study of PCM-water storage on PVT module performance for power generation and hot water production”, The 14th GMSARN International Conference on Smart Energy, Environment, and Development for Sustainable GMS, November 27-29, 2019, Luang Prabang, Lao PDR.
- Vat Sun, Thoranis Deethayat, “Evaluation of normal operating cell temperature of unglazed PVT module for power generation”, The 17th Conference on Energy, Heat and Mass Transfer in Thermal Equipment and Process, February 15-16, 2018, Lampang, Thailand.
- Attakorn Asanakham, Vat Sun, Tanongkiat Kiatsiriroat “Use of apparent heat capacity model for reducing temperature of solar cell module having cooling with phase change material”, The 17th Conference on Energy, Heat and Mass Transfer in Thermal Equipment and Process, February 15-16, 2018, Lampang, Thailand.
- Vat Sun, Thoranis Deethayat, Attakorn Asanakham, Tanongkiat Kiatsiriroat, “Numerical and experimental studies on phase change material for reducing PV module temperature”, The 2016 International Conference on Advanced Technology & Sustainable Development, August 21-23, 2016, Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam.
- Vat Sun, Attakorn Asanakham, Thoranis Deethayat, Tanongkiat Kiatsiriroat, “Use of apparent heat capacity model for reducing temperature of solar cell module having cooling with phase change material”, The 15th Conference on Energy, Heat and Mass Transfer in Thermal Equipment and Process, March 30-31, 2016, Samui, Thailand.
- Vat Sun, Attakorn Asanakham, and Tanongkiat Kiatsiriroat, “Reduce of solar cell module temperature by phase change material for electricity generation enhancement”, The 8th Thailand Renewable Energy for Community Conference (TREC-8), November 4-6, 2015, Thanyaburi, Thailand.

លោក មិន ឆេងហ៊ាន់
- គោត្តនាម-នាម (Name): មិន ឆេងហ៊ាន់ / MIN CHENGHORN (M. Eng.)
- តួនាទី (Position): Dean, Faculty of Automotive Engineering, NPIC
- ឯកទេស (Field): Automotive and Mechanical Engineering
- លេខទូរស័ព្ទ (Phone No.): 087/012 621 929
- អ៊ីម៉ែល (E-mail):
- ជំនាញស្រាវជ្រាវ (Research Area):
- Internal Combustion Engine (ICE)
- Engine Testing/Simulation/Design
- Alternative fuels
- កម្រិតវប្បធម៌ទូទៅ និងបណ្តុះបណ្តាលវិជ្ជាជីវៈ (Academic Qualification):
កម្រិតសិក្សា (Degree) គ្រឹះស្ថានសិក្សា (Institution) ឆ្នាំបញ្ចប់ (Year of Graduation) Master’s Degree Institute of Technology of Cambodia (ITC) 2019 Bachelor’s Degree National Polytechnic Institute of Cambodia (NPIC) 2009 High School KHSACH KANDAL HIGH SCHOOL 1988

បណ្ឌិត ស្រង់ សារ៉ុត
- គោត្តនាម-នាម (Name): បណ្ឌិត ស្រង់ សារ៉ុត / Dr. SRANG SAROT
- តួនាទី (Position): Lecturer-Researcher
- ឯកទេស (Field): Mechanical and Control Systems Engineering
- លេខទូរស័ព្ទ (Phone No.): 085 68 98 58
- អ៊ីម៉ែល (E-mail): /
- ជំនាញស្រាវជ្រាវ (Research Area):
- System Modeling
- Control System
- Robotics
- Nonlinear Filtering and State Estimation
- កម្រិតវប្បធម៌ទូទៅ និងបណ្តុះបណ្តាលវិជ្ជាជីវៈ (Academic Qualification):
កម្រិតសិក្សា (Degree) | គ្រឹះស្ថានសិក្សា (Institution) | ឆ្នាំបញ្ចប់ (Year of Graduation) |
Doctoral Degree | Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan | 2014 |
Master’s Degree | Bandung Institute of Technology, Indonesia | 2009 |
Bachelor Degree | Institute of Technology of Cambodia (ITC) | 2007 |
Diploma Technician | Institute of Technology of Cambodia (ITC) | 2004 |
High School | Preak Angdoung High School | 2001 |
- ព្រឹត្តិបត្រស្រាវជ្រាវ (Publication):
- International peer-reviewed journals
- Sarot Srang, Sopagna Ath, and Masaki Yamkita, “Newton-Euler Based Dynamic Modeling and Control Simulation for Dual-Axis Parallel Mechanism Solar Tracker”, Advances in Science, Technology and Engineering Systems Journal. Vol. 5, No. 5, 709-716, 2020.
- Sarot Srang and M8asaki Yamakita, “Adaptive friction compensation for a position control system with Stribeck friction using hybrid unscented Kalman filter”, International Journal of Information and Communication Technology. vol. 5, no. 3/4, pp. 283-295, 2013.
- Policy Brief
- Sarot Srang et al., “Policy Brief: Minimum Pre-Requisite for Creating High-tech and Deep-tech Startup Ecosystem in Cambodia”, Asian Vision Institute, 2021.
- Local peer-reviewed journals
- Penghuy Srean, Morokot Sakal, Maximilien Berthet and Sarot Srang, “Development of Orbital Simulator for Cambodian CubeSat Mission in LEO,” Techno-Science Research Journal, 2021
- Sok An Siek and Sarot Srang, “Design and Prototyping of Solar Hybrid Switch Controller and Monitoring System,” Techno-Science Research Journal, 2021.
- Phayuth Yonrith, Sarot Srang, Morokot Sakal, Boreth Sethy, “Mobile Robot Localization using Extended Kalman Filter with Kinematic Model,” Techno-Science Research Journal, 2021.
- Hoksong Tim, Sarot Srang, Morokot Sakal, “Simulation and Numerical Characterization of Gaseous Oxygen Injector for ABS/GOX Hybrid Rocket Motor,” Techno-Science Research Journal, 2021.
- Vanyi Chao, Sarot Srang, Morokot Sakal, Chivorn Keo, “Helipad Detection for UAV based on YOLOv4 Transfer Learning Model,” Techno-Science Research Journal, 2021.
- Dalin Soun, Morokot Sakal, Hokly Sor and Sarot Srang, “Design and Implementation of the Commercial-Off-The-Shelf Electrical Power System for the Satellite Training Kit – DemoSat,” Techno-Science Research Journal, 2021, Cambodia.
- Chivorn Keo, Sarot Srang, and Daro Van, “Modeling and Simulation at the Equilibrium of Fixed-Wing Unmanned Aerial Vehicle,” Techno-Science Research Journal, 2020, Cambodia.
- Boreth Sethy, Sarot Srang, and Daro Van, “Pose Estimation for Differential Drive Mobile Robot using Multi-Sensor Data Fusion,” Techno-Science Research Journal, 2020.
- Tongly Mork, Sarot Srang, and Daro Van, “Simultaneous Localization and Mapping using Intel RealSense Camera,” Techno-Science Research Journal, 2020.
- Leangchheng Ly, Sarot Srang, and Daro Van, “Modeling, Control, and Simulation on 3DOF Robot Manipulator,” Techno-Science Research Journal, 2020.
- Bunvireak Lim, Sarot Srang, and Daro Van, “Development of IoT Smart Controller: Case Study for the Gravity Irrigation System,” Techno-Science Research Journal, 2020.
- Lyhor Tem, and Sarot Srang, “CNC-Mill Construction and Automatic Control to Shape the Specimen by CAD/CAM,” Techno-Science Research Journal, 2020.
- Sarot Srang, “Dynamic Modeling for Multi Rigid Body UAV,” Techno-Science Research Journal, 2019, Cambodia.
- Rethy Chhem et al., “Industry 4.0: Prospects and Challenges for Cambodia’s Manufacturing Sector,” Cambodia Development Resource Institute, 2018.
- Sarot Srang and Masaki Yamakita, “Estimation of discontinuous dynamical systems using receding-horizon unscented Kalman filter,” Techno-Science Research Journal, 2017, Cambodia.
- International peer-reviewed conference papers
- Thura Peuo, Sopeak Yean, Boreth Sethy and Sarot Srang, “PD Controller and Dynamic Compensation Design for a DC Motor based on Estimated Parameters,” 2021 International Conference on Advanced Mechatronics, Intelligent Manufacture and Industrial Automation (ICAMIA). Indonesia.
- Sophyn Srey, Vongchivorn Chhour and Sarot Srang, “Lumped Parameter Estimation of a Low-Cost DC Motor for Position Controller Design,” 2021 International Conference on Advanced Mechatronics, Intelligent Manufacture and Industrial Automation (ICAMIA). Indonesia.
- Sam Ban, Andreea Dan, Félix Guinet, Julien Portanguen, Sarot Srang and Matthieu Lauras “Assessing the potentialities of Physical Internet for Developing Countries Last Mile Deliveries,” IPIC 2021, 8th International Physical Internet Conference. 2021, Germany.
- Sam Ban Matthieu Lauras, and Sarot Srang, “Toward Physical Internet-enabled Supply Chain and Logistics Networks in Developing Countries,” PRO-VE – 21st IFIP / SOCOLNET Working Conference on Virtual Enterprises, 2020, Spain.
- Maximilien Berthet et al., “Student-Led Policy and Technical Capacity Building Program: The Road to Cambodia’s First CubeSat,” 71st International Astronautical Congress (IAC), 2020.
- Sarot Srang and Sopagna Ath, “Dynamic Modelling and Simulation for 2DOF Parallel Mechanism Solar Tracker,” IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics, 2019. Hong Kong
- Sarot Srang and Masaki Yamakita, “Application of continuous-discrete unscented Kalman filter for control of nonlinear systems with actuator nonlinearity,” IEEE The 33rd Chinese Control Conference, pp. 8837-8842, 2014, China.
- Sarot Srang and Masaki Yamakita, “Tracking control of nonlinear stochastic systems with actuator nonlinearity,” IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics, pp. 697-702, 2014, France.
- Sarot Srang and Masaki Yamakita, “On the estimation of systems with discontinuities using continuous-discrete unscented Kalman filter,” IEEE American Control Conference, pp. 457-463, 2014, OR, USA.
- Sarot Srang and Masaki Yamakita, “Estimation of systems with multiple sliding surfaces,” IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration, pp. 1-6, 2013, Japan.
- Sarot Srang and Masaki Yamakita, “Estimation of discontinuous friction using continuous-discrete unscented Kalman filter for adaptive compensation,” IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics, pp. 429-435, 2013, Australia.
- Regional conference papers
- Sarot Srang, Zainal Abidin, and Heideki Yanada. “Control strategy to avoid limit cycle oscillation due to Stribeck effect in position control,” Regional Conference on Mechanical and Aerospace Technology, 2010, Indonesia.
- Sarot Srang, Zainal Abidin, and Heideki Yanada, “Prediction of limit cycle due to Stribeck friction using describing function method,” The 2nd Regional Conference on Manufacturing Engineering, 2009, Indonesia.
- Local conference papers
- Sotheara Oum, Sarot Srang, Phayuth Yonrith, “Integration of RRT* Path Planning with Trajectory Tracking for Wheeled Mobile Robot,” The 11th Scientific Day of ITC, 2022, Cambodia. (Best Presentation Award)
- Povnemol Gnhiek, Sarot Srang, Phayuth Yonrith, “PI Controller for Velocity Controller Design based on Lumped Parameter Estimation of a Low-Cost PMDC Motor,” The 11th Scientific Day of ITC, 2022, Cambodia.
- Chanvireak Samrit, Sarot Srang, Phayuth Yonrith, “Design Structure for Plug and Play Wheel Mobile Robot,” The 11th Scientific Day of ITC, 2022, Cambodia.
- Vichetra Yi, Sarot Srang, Chivorn Keo, “Roll and Pitch angle Estimation by using Unscented Kalman filter,” The 11th Scientific Day of ITC, 2022, Cambodia.
- Rattana Seng, Sarot Srang, Chivorn Keo, “Flight Transition State Machine Design for Vertical Takeoff Landing for Fixed-Wing Unmanned Aerial Vehicle,” The 11th Scientific Day of ITC, 2022, Cambodia.
- Sarot Srang, “Inverse kinematics and trajectory tracking of a 4DOF robot manipulator,” Inauguration of Robotic Conference in Cambodia, 2016, Cambodia.
- Poster
- Sarot Srang and Daro Van, “A generic control law for a dual axis solar tracker,” (Poster) Seminar on Knowledge sharing, 2016, Cambodia.

បណ្ឌិត គីម ប៊ុនធឿន

បណ្ឌិត រ៉ៃ សុភក្រ្ត

លោក ហួរ សុខអូន
- គោត្តនាម-នាម (Name): ហួរ សុខអូន / Hour Sokaon (M. Eng.)
- តួនាទី (Position): Deputy Head of Research and Technology Development Center, NPIC
- ឯកទេស (Field): Information Technology and Mechanical Engineering
- លេខទូរស័ព្ទ (Phone No.): 011 976 799
- អ៊ីម៉ែល (E-mail):
- ជំនាញស្រាវជ្រាវ (Research Area):
- Material Science
- Machine Tools
- Mechanical Design
- កម្រិតវប្បធម៌ទូទៅ និងបណ្តុះបណ្តាលវិជ្ជាជីវៈ (Academic Qualification):
កម្រិតសិក្សា (Degree) | គ្រឹះស្ថានសិក្សា (Institution) | ឆ្នាំបញ្ចប់ (Year of Graduation) |
Doctoral Degree | Institute of Technology of Cambodia (ITC) | Present |
Master’s Degree | Tokai University (Japan) | 2014 |
Bachelor’s degree | National Polytechnic Institute of Cambodia (NPIC) | 2010 |
Technician Diploma | Industrial Technical Institute | 2005 |

លោក ស្រី សុភីន
- គោត្តនាម-នាម (Name): ស្រី សុភីន / SREY SOPHYN (M. Eng.)
- តួនាទី (Position): Head of Department of Education of Research Center, NPIC
- ឯកទេស (Field): Mechanical Engineering
- លេខទូរស័ព្ទ (Phone No.): 012 532 427/098 425 123
- អ៊ីម៉ែល (E-mail):
- ជំនាញស្រាវជ្រាវ (Research Area):
- Engineering Design
- Control System (with MATLAB)
- Noise and Vibration
- Machining and Mechatronic Level1-Level4 (CQF)
- កម្រិតវប្បធម៌ទូទៅ និងបណ្តុះបណ្តាលវិជ្ជាជីវៈ (Academic Qualification):
កម្រិតសិក្សា (Degree) | គ្រឹះស្ថានសិក្សា (Institution) | ឆ្នាំបញ្ចប់ (Year of Graduation) |
Doctoral Degree | Institute of Technology of Cambodia (ITC) | Present |
Certificate (capacity building for TVET instructor) | Polytechnic University (Japan) | 2018 |
Master’s Degree | Tokai University (Japan) | 2015 |
Certificate of Senior Instructor (Pedagogy) | National Technical Training Institute (NTTI) | 2012 |
Bachelor’s Degree | Polytechnic University (Japan) | 2010 |
Bachelor (Mathematics) | Royal University of Phnom Penh (RUPP) | 2005 |
- ព្រឹត្តិបត្រស្រាវជ្រាវ (Publication):
- Conference papers
- SREY SOPHYN and KOICHI KOGANEZAWA, “Above knee prosthesis for ascending/descending stairs with no external energy source,” 18th International Conference on Climbing and Walking Robots and the Support Technologies for Mobile Machines, CLAWAR 2015, Assistive Robotics, pp. 35-42, China.
Sophyn Srey, Vongchivorn Chhour and Sarot Srang, “Lumped Parameter Estimation of a Low-Cost DC Motor for Position Controller Design,” 2021 International Conference on Advanced Mechatronics, Intelligent Manufacture and Industrial Automation (ICAMIA), Indonesia.

លោក ពៅ ធូរ៉ា
- គោត្តនាម-នាម (Name): ពៅ ធូរ៉ា / PEOU THURA (M.Eng.)
- តួនាទី (Position): Staff and Lecturer, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, NPIC
- ឯកទេស (Field): Mechatronics
- លេខទូរស័ព្ទ (Phone No.): 097 346 45 45
- អ៊ីម៉ែល (E-mail):
- ជំនាញស្រាវជ្រាវ (Research Area):
- Industrial Control
- Programmable Logic Control
- Mobile Robotics
- Robot Operating System (ROS)
- កម្រិតវប្បធម៌ទូទៅ និងបណ្តុះបណ្តាលវិជ្ជាជីវៈ (Academic Qualification):
កម្រិតសិក្សា (Degree) | គ្រឹះស្ថានសិក្សា (Institution) | ឆ្នាំបញ្ចប់ (Year of Graduation) |
Doctoral Degree | Institute of Technology of Cambodia (ITC) | Present |
Master’s degree | Tokai University | 2019 |
Bachelor + 1 | National Technical Training Institute (NTTI) | 2016 |
Bachelor’s Degree | National Polytechnic Institute of Cambodia (NPIC) | 2015 |
High School | Samrong Andet High School | 2011 |
- ព្រឹត្តិបត្រស្រាវជ្រាវ (Publication):
- Conference papers
- Yean, T. Peou, B. Sethy, and S. Srang, “PD Controller and Dynamic Compensation Design for a DC Motor based on Estimated Parameters”, 2021 International Conference on Advanced Mechatronics, Intelligent Manufacturing, and Industrial Automation (ICAMIMIA).

កាន គឹមឡេង
- គោត្តនាម-នាម (Name): កាន គឹមឡេង / KAN KOEMLENG (M. Eng.)
- តួនាទី (Position): Deputy Manager of MVAC Design, COMIN KHMER
- ឯកទេស (Field): Mechanical Engineering
- លេខទូរស័ព្ទ (Phone No.): 096 482 82 86
- អ៊ីម៉ែល (E-mail):
- ជំនាញស្រាវជ្រាវ (Research Area):
- Building Energy Simulation
- Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning System
- Thermodynamic Modeling
- Heat Transfer
- កម្រិតវប្បធម៌ទូទៅ និងបណ្តុះបណ្តាលវិជ្ជាជីវៈ (Academic Qualification):
កម្រិតសិក្សា (Degree) | គ្រឹះស្ថានសិក្សា (Institution) | ឆ្នាំបញ្ចប់ (Year of Graduation) |
Master’s Degree | Institute of Technology Bandung (ITB), Indonesia | 2019 |
Bachelor’s Degree | Institute of Technology of Cambodia (ITC) | 2017 |
High School | Sreng Kim High School | 2012 |
Primary School | Brem Brey Secondary School | 2007 |
- ព្រឹត្តិបត្រស្រាវជ្រាវ (Publication):
- Koemleng, I M. Astina, P S. Darmanto, “Simultaneous Optimization of Saturation Equation for two Hydrocarbons and four Hydrofluoroolefins refrigerants”, International Conference Aerospace, Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering (CAMME), Malaysia, 21-24 February 2019. (Malaysia)
- Koemleng, I M. Astina, “Thermodynamic Equation of State for Wide-Range Fluid Phase Isobutane”, Submitted to Fluid Phase Equilibria (2019). (Submitted United State)
- Koemleng, I M. Astina, “Effective Strategy Modeling of Helmholtz Equation of State”, Submitted to the 10th AUN/SEED-Net RC MEManuE, (2019). (Cambodia)

ឆាំ រស្មីខេមរា
- គោត្តនាម-នាម (Name): ឆាំ រស្មីខេមរា / CHHAM REAKSMEYKHEMRA (M. Eng.)
- តួនាទី (Position): Head of Dream Center, Faculty of Automotive Engineering, NPIC
- ឯកទេស (Field): Automotive and Mechanical Engineering
- លេខទូរស័ព្ទ (Phone No.): 092 567 272
- អ៊ីម៉ែល (E-mail):
- ជំនាញស្រាវជ្រាវ (Research Area):
- Internal Combustion Engine (ICE)
- Engine Testing/Simulation/Design
- Alternative fuels
- កម្រិតវប្បធម៌ទូទៅ និងបណ្តុះបណ្តាលវិជ្ជាជីវៈ (Academic Qualification)៖
កម្រិតសិក្សា (Degree) | គ្រឹះស្ថានសិក្សា (Institution) | ឆ្នាំបញ្ចប់ (Year of Graduation) |
Master’s Degree | Institute of Technology of Cambodia (ITC) | 2019 |
Bachelor’s Degree | National Polytechnic Institute of Cambodia (NPIC) | 2012 |
High School | Preah Monivong High School | 1997 |

លាង សុខួង
- គោត្តនាម-នាម (Name): លោក លាង សុខួង / LEANG So Khuong (M.Eng.)
- តួនាទី (Position): Lecturer of Faculty of Automotive Engineering, NPIC
- ឯកទេស (Field): Mechanical Engineering
- លេខទូរស័ព្ទ (Phone No.): 077 580 559
- អ៊ីម៉ែល (E-mail):
- ជំនាញស្រាវជ្រាវ (Research Area):
- Droplet evaporation
- Green fuel (Biofuels)
- Fuel and Combustion
- Internal combustion engine
- Engine Performance and Emissions
- Engine Tribology (Lubricant)
- កម្រិតវប្បធម៌ទូទៅ និងបណ្តុះបណ្តាលវិជ្ជាជីវៈ (Academic Qualification)៖
កម្រិតសិក្សា (Degree) គ្រឹះស្ថានសិក្សា (Institution) ឆ្នាំបញ្ចប់ (Year of Graduation) Doctoral Degree Hokkaido University, Japan Present Master’s Degree University of Malaya, Malaysia 2018 Bachelor Degree Institute of Technology of Cambodia (ITC) 2015 High School Mesang High School 2010 - ព្រឹត្តិបត្រស្រាវជ្រាវ (Publication):
- International peer-reviewed journals
- Khuong, L. S., Zulkifli, N. W. M., Masjuki, H. H., Mohamad, E. N., Arslan, A., Mosarof, M. H., & Azham, A. (2016). A review on the effect of bioethanol dilution on the properties and performance of automotive lubricants in gasoline engines. RSC advances, 6(71), 66847-66869.
- Khuong, L. S., Masjuki, H. H., Zulkifli, N. W. M., Mohamad, E. N., Kalam, M. A., Alabdulkarem, A., … & Jamshaid, M. (2017). Effect of gasoline–bioethanol blends on the properties and lubrication characteristics of commercial engine oil. RSC advances, 7(25), 15005-15019.
- Syahir, A. Z., N. W. M. Zulkifli, H. H. Masjuki, M. A. Kalam, Abdullah Alabdulkarem, M. Gulzar, S. Khuong, and M. H. Harith. “A review on bio-based lubricants and their applications.” Journal of cleaner production 168 (2017): 997-1016.
- Arslan, A., H. H. Masjuki, M. A. Kalam, M. Varman, R. A. Mufti, M. H. Mosarof, S. Khuong, and M. M. Quazi. “Surface texture manufacturing techniques and tribological effect of surface texturing on cutting tool performance: a review.” Critical Reviews in Solid State and Materials Sciences 41, no. 6 (2016): 447-481.
- Yusoff, M. N. A. M., Nurin Wahidah Mohd Zulkifli, Haji Hassan Masjuki, M. H. Harith, A. Z. Syahir, M. A. Kalam, M. F. Mansor, A. Azham, and S. Khuong. “Performance and emission characteristics of a spark ignition engine fuelled with butanol isomer-gasoline blends.” Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 57 (2017): 23-38.
- Yusoff, Mohd Nur Ashraf Mohd, Nurin Wahidah Mohd Zulkifli, Haji Hassan Masjuki, M. H. Harith, A. Z. Syahir, L. S. Khuong, Muhammad Syarifuddin Mohamed Zaharin, and Abdullah Alabdulkarem. “Comparative assessment of ethanol and isobutanol addition in gasoline on engine performance and exhaust emissions.” Journal of Cleaner Production 190 (2018): 483-495.
- Mosarof, M. H., M. A. Kalam, H. H. Masjuki, A. Arslan, I. M. Monirul, A. M. Ruhul, S. A. Shahir, and S. Khuong. “Analysis of thermal stability and lubrication characteristics of Millettia pinnata oil.” RSC advances 6, no. 84 (2016): 81414-81425.
- Jamshaid, Muhammad, Haji Hassan Masjuki, M. A. Kalam, Nurin Wahidah Mohd Zulkifli, Ahmed Arslan, Azham Alwi, Leang So Khuong, Abdullah Alabdulkarem, and A. Z. Syahir. “Production optimization and tribological characteristics of cottonseed oil methyl ester.” Journal of Cleaner Production 209 (2019): 62-73.
- Arslan, A., Masjuki, H.H., Kalam, M.A., Varman, M., Mosarof, M.H., Mufti, R.A., Quazi, M.M., Khuong, L.S., Liaqat, M., Jamshaid, M. and Alabdulkarem, A,”Investigation of laser texture density and diameter on the tribological behavior of hydrogenated DLC coating with line contact configuration.” Surface and Coatings Technology 322 (2017): 31-37.
- Conference papers
- Khuong, L. S, “Influence of WS2/GP nanocomposite additive on friction and wear characteristics of bioethanol diluted engine oil,” The 9th Reginal Conference on Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering (RCMME-2017), June 29-30, 2017, Vientiane, Laos PDR.

សាន់ សំណាង
- គោត្តនាម-នាម (Name): សាន់ សំណាង / SANN SAMNANG (M.Eng.)
- តួនាទី (Position): Lecturer of Faculty of Automotive Engineering, NPIC
- ឯកទេស (Field): Mechanical Engineering
- លេខទូរស័ព្ទ (Phone No.): +420 704 899 625
- អ៊ីម៉ែល (E-mail):
- ជំនាញស្រាវជ្រាវ (Research Area):
- Noise and Vibration on Vehicle Gearbox
- Thermodynamics
- Internal Combustion Engine
- កម្រិតវប្បធម៌ទូទៅ និងបណ្តុះបណ្តាលវិជ្ជាជីវៈ (Academic Qualification)៖
កម្រិតសិក្សា (Degree) គ្រឹះស្ថានសិក្សា (Institution) ឆ្នាំបញ្ចប់ (Year of Graduation) Doctoral Degree Technical University of Liberec (TUL), Czech Republic Present Master’s Degree Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB), Indonesia 2017 Bachelor’s degree Institute of Technology of Cambodia (ITC) 2015 High School Kompong Thom High School 2010 - ព្រឹត្តិបត្រស្រាវជ្រាវ (Publication):
- Conference papers
- Samnang, P. Prawisudha and A. D. Pasek, “A feasibility study of hydrothermal treatment of rice straw for multi-production of solid fuel and liquid fertilizer,” IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science, vol. 65, 2017.

អ្នកត្រួតពិនិត្យ (Reviewer)

អ្នកត្រួតពិនិត្យ (Reviewer)

អ្នកត្រួតពិនិត្យ (Reviewer)

អ្នកត្រួតពិនិត្យ (Reviewer)

អ្នកត្រួតពិនិត្យ (Reviewer)

អ្នកត្រួតពិនិត្យ (Reviewer)