ព្រឹត្តិបត្រស្រាវជ្រាវ (Research Articles)

2D Structural modelling and analysis of heat transfer through three walls for furnace glass using ANSYS program
Author(s)Rayuth Keat, Chansopheak Seang, Raveth Hin
Status 86 views, 279 downloads Download
Keywords   2-Dimension     Analysis     ANSYS Program     Conduction     Convection     Furnace Glass     Heat Transfer     Modelling  

The purpose of this paper was created a process by means of which to develop an application for calculation and numerical simulation of the 2-dimensional of furnace glass of heat transfer as heat conduction and heat convection. All of this, applying to experimental was cased reality-based where numerical simulation has been chosen, which was the most accurate and increasingly used in thermal simulation industries. A methodology based on simulation was presented to estimate the internal tem-perature from heat energy of electrical resistance and verify if there was distributed heat losses. In addi-tion, the processes of heat transfer by conduction and convection were considered for the simulation by using ANSYS program. As a result, the ANSYS software was taken along the process such as modal temperature solution, vectors of heat flow along the geometry, and temperature variation across the three walls by a path definition. To observed temperature variations across the walls, it was more necessary to define the path along which the variation is going to be determined. In this case, have been selected two nodes, one from the inner surface of the concrete surface and the other from the outer line of firebrick wall. Because of this analysis is easy to take conclusions of the result obtained from the steady-state analysis type.

Publisher/InstitutionNational Polytechnic Institute of Cambodia (NPIC)
Field/Faculty Sustainable Energy and Industry Manufacturing
Publication Year2022
Recommended CitationRayuth Keat, Chansopheak Seang, Raveth Hin. (2022). 2D Structural modelling and analysis of heat transfer through three walls for furnace glass using ANSYS program. - , -, 171-177
Contact Emailrayuth.keat@gsc.itc.edu.kh, seang@itc.edu.kh, raveth.hin@itc.edu.kh