ព្រឹត្តិបត្រស្រាវជ្រាវ (Research Articles)

A DC-AC Single Phase Inverter Using Robust Control for Output Voltage Regulation
Author(s)Bunne So, Heng Tang, Panha Soth, Sovannarith Hut, Kakada Sovan, Socheat Yay
Status 46 views, 148 downloads Download
Keywords   DC-AC Single phase inverter     Robust Control     single phase inverter  

A reliable control method for a DC-AC single-phase inverter with an output LC-filter is presented in this research. For three-phase systems, the control method employing a dq-synchronous frame is frequently employed, but it is rather difficult for single-phase systems. In order to make the suggested controller easy to use in a dq-synchronous frame, a fake signal is generated in this study using an all-pass filter. State feedback control with integral action is used by the suggested robust controller in the dq-synchronous frame. In order to increase the rate of convergence to a steady state in the presence of uncertainties, the stabilizing gains of the controllers are determined using a linear matrix inequality-based optimization approach. The potential variable range of the inductance and resistance of the LC-filter is used to represent the system uncertainties. The simulation results from this study specifically demonstrate that the robust control strategy is more effective and performs better than the PI control method

Publisher/InstitutionNational Polytechnic Institute of Cambodia (NPIC)
Field/FacultyPower Control Systems
Publication Year2023
Recommended CitationBunne So, Heng Tang, Panha Soth, Sovannarith Hut, Kakada Sovan, Socheat Yay. (2023). A DC-AC Single Phase Inverter Using Robust Control for Output Voltage Regulation. Proceeding in RIET 2023 Conference, NPIC, 104-110
Author Emailsobunne@npic.edu.kh, tangheng@npic.edu.kh, sothpanha@npic.edu.kh, hutsovannarith@npic.edu.kh, sovankakada@npic.edu.kh, yaysocheat@npic.edu.kh