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A Study on Output Voltage Regulation of Single- Phase Inverter using LMI-based Optimal State Feedback Control
Author(s)Bunne Soa, Choeung Chivon
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Keywords   DC-AC Single phase inverter     Robust Control     single phase inverter  

This study adopts a linear matrix inequalities (LMI)-based optimization approach to for-mulate a systematic control design for an LC-filtered single-phase DC-AC inverter. The proposed study's optimization criteria define the LMI problems to provide fast output voltage response by reducing the time to steady state. Then, the stabilizing control gain is computed based on the LMI optimization criterion with help from the MATLAB toolbox. Integral control to eliminate offset error and state feedback control to provide closed-loop stability to the inverter system are the two features that make up the controller in this study. In addition, an all-pass filter is employed for generating artificial voltage and current so that the states of the system can all be transformed and controlled in the dq-rotating frame. The results are then verified in an experimental setting using a TMS320F28335 Texas Instrument DSP-equipped single-phase inverter pro-totype. The single-phase inverter has outstanding performance in terms of both steady-state and dynamic response.

JournalGreen Science, Engineering and Technology (GSET)
Publisher/InstitutionGraduate School, National Polytechnic Institute of Cambodia
Field/FacultyGraduate School
Publication Year2024
Recommended CitationBunne Soa, Choeung Chivon. (2024). A Study on Output Voltage Regulation of Single- Phase Inverter using LMI-based Optimal State Feedback Control. Proceeding in GSET 2024 Conference, NPIC.