Title | |
Author(s) | Ou Chharann, Chham Rasmey Chhorvoan, Hut Sovannarith, Pon Chaiyut, Ieng Sokun |
Status | 74 views, 198 downloads Download |
Keywords | Ant Lion Optimization economic dispatch fuel cost |
Abstract | Economic dispatch (ED) is one of the main problems addressed in the study of power supplying load demand. There are many proposals for this optimal fuel cost in power generators. In this paper, ‘Ant Lion Optimization Algorithm’ (ALO) is used for solving this ED problem. ALO Algorithm is one of the new Meta-Heuristic methods. Ant lion optimization (ALO) is a narrative nature-inspired algorithm and apes the tracking mechanism of ant lions in life. The random walk of ants, building traps, entrapment of ants in traps, catching prey, and re-building traps are the five main steps involved in the hunting process. In this algorithm, ALO is used for three cases such as, IEEE system with 3 units, total costs are 20480.3 $./h, 6 units, total costs are 40675.97 $./h and 20 units, total costs are 60160.71 $./h. |
Journal | - |
Publisher/Institution | National Polytechnic Institute of Cambodia (NPIC) |
Field/Faculty | Power Control Systems |
Publication Year | 2023 |
Volumn | - |
Issue | - |
Pages | 36-41 |
DOI | - |
Recommended Citation | Ou Chharann, Chham Rasmey Chhorvoan, Hut Sovannarith, Pon Chaiyut, Ieng Sokun. (2023). Ant Lion Optimization Algorithm for Thermal Economic Dispatch Problem Solving with Generator Constraint. Proceeding in RIET 2023 Conference, NPIC, 36-41 |
Author Email | chharannou@gmail.com , isokun5@gmail.com |