
TitleComparison of Biogas Production Method from Pig Manure and Cow Manure
Author(s)Soth Monyratana
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Abstract The over-dependence on fossil fuels as primary energy source has led to myriads of problems such as global climatic change, environmental degradation and various human health problems. Moreover, the recent rise in oil and natural gas prices has called for researchers towards alternative energy sources for the future.
This study therefore investigates the digestion of fresh cow manure, grass and pig manure for biogas production at laboratory scales. Through using 6 flat form methods as fresh pig manure 100% , fresh cow manure 100%, pig manure 70% with fresh grass 30%, cow manure 70% with fresh grass 30%, pig manure 30% with fresh grass 70% and cow manure 70% with fresh grass 30% It was separated from bio- digesters and fermentation carried out at temperatures between 27 – 35 °C and pH range of 7.5 for a period of 15 days.
During this period the biogas produced was collected and measured the amount of gas formed and the pH level every day. Final of producing experiment, the amount of gas formed was quality testing with the machine BIOGAS 5000 Portable gas analyzer.
The results showed that the first testing the amount of Methane levels 55.4%, Methane produced levels 67.0%, Methane levels 63.7% produced, Methane levels 55.9%, Methane levels 48.2%, Methane levels 45.3%, Methane levels 52.3%, Methane levels 66.3% and the last one Methane produced levels 44.9%.

Adviser(s)Lim Mengseang, M.Eng.
InstitutionNational Polytechnic Institute of Cambodia
FacultyGraduate School,
Published Date2020
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Recommended CitationSoth Monyratana. Comparison of Biogas Production Method from Pig Manure and Cow Manure. Electrical Engineering. NPIC Scientific Publication, 2020.