ព្រឹត្តិបត្រស្រាវជ្រាវ (Research Articles)

Deformation of reinforced concrete beams with forming elements under long-term loading
Author(s)Chkhum A., Mitasov V.M.
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Keywords   cracks     diagram-energy approach     long-term loading     reinforced concrete beams     rigidity  

This paper deals to problems of studying cracks in reinforced concrete beams under long-term loading by fundamental of reinforced concrete resistance theory (energy approach) was describe. The experimental study of bearing capacity of reinforced concrete beams with the form of plastic plates (artificial cracks) and without form of plastic plates (artificial cracks) with different coefficients of concrete working conditions γ_bi. Tables were present, including of schematic beams loading, their cross-section, as well as various parameters of concrete and reinforced bar. The presents the research allowed to estimate influence of specified cracks in reinforced concrete beams on their rigidity and strength by the above method under long-term loading. The introduction with the form of plastic plates (artificial cracks) in to tensile zone, the beam was changed stress-strain state of the structure and more soft their character deformation at cracking, as a result of which the deflection of beams under loading are much less than deflections of beams without form of plastic plates (artificial cracks). Cracks of reinforced concrete beams in the form of plastic plates (artificial cracks) under the action of long-term loading depends on the coefficient of working conditions of concrete γ_bi, that use of the technique in the form of plastic plates (artificial cracks) can have an economic effect.

JournalJournal of Modern high technologies
Publisher/InstitutionNovosibirsk State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Novosibirsk,
Field/FacultyFaculty of Engineering
Publication Year2018
Recommended CitationChkhum A., Mitasov V.M.. (2018). Deformation of reinforced concrete beams with forming elements under long-term loading. Journal of Modern high technologies, 24, 79-84
Contact Emailchhom_amnoth@yahoo.com