
TitleDesign Maximum Power Point Tracking based on Fuzzy Logic Control
Author(s)Kum Sithirith
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Abstract The maximum power of a PV module varies due to changing temperature, solar radiation, and load. To maximize efficiency, PV systems use a maximum power point tracker (MPPT) to constantly extract the highest power that can be produced by a solar panel and then deliver it to the load. The general structure of an MPPT system contains a DC-DC converter and a controller. The MPPT finds and maintains operations at the maximum power point using a tracking algorithm during variations in weather conditions. Many different algorithms of MPPT have been proposed and discussed in the literature, but most of these methods have disadvantages in terms of efficiency, accuracy, and flexibility. Because of the nonlinear behavior of PV module current-voltage characteristics and the nonlinearity of DC-DC converters due to switching, conventional controllers are unable to provide the best response, especially when dealing with wide parameter variations and line transients. The goal of this work is to design and implement a maximum power point tracker that uses a fuzzy logic control algorithm. Fuzzy logic naturally provides a superior controller for this type of nonlinear application. This method also benefits from the artificial intelligence approach for overcoming the complexity in modeling nonlinear systems. In order to succeed in this work, an MPPT system consisting of a PV module, a DC-DC converter, and a fuzzy logic controller is designed and simulated in Simulink. Analyses of boost converter characteristics are carried out to find the most suitable topology for the PV system used.
This entire research work aims to compare two types of controller-based MPPT techniques. Both MPPTs are based on the same topology of DC-DC converter and are applied with the same PV system specifications. That is, one of the MPPTs was kept at its original specifications and the other one was modified by changing the internal ATMEGA328P controller with an external Arduino Nano controller. Based on a MATLAB fuzzy logic design, the Arduino code was programmed and uploaded into an Arduino board by using Arduino software (IDE). The proposed method illustrates that the performance of MPPT is improved in terms of oscillations about the maximum power point, speed, and sensitivity to parameter variation.

Adviser(s)MEAS SARAN, M.Sc.Eng.
InstitutionNational Polytechnic Institute of Cambodia
FacultyGraduate School,
Published Date2020
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Recommended CitationKum Sithirith. Design Maximum Power Point Tracking based on Fuzzy Logic Control. Electrical Engineering. NPIC Scientific Publication, 2020.