ព្រឹត្តិបត្រស្រាវជ្រាវ (Research Articles)

Evaluation of Surface Roughness of S45C Steel in Turning Process using CVD Coated Carbide Inserts
Author(s)Dy Choun, Paris Vanna, Chhorvy Bin, Monyrath Thy, Sela Soy, Sovann Chhim, Sovy Seab, Latin Heang, Rayuth Keat, Lida Heng, San Phearom, Sophal Hai
Status 59 views, 146 downloads Download
Keywords   analysis of variance (ANOVA)     CVD coated carbide insert     S45C steel     signal-to-noise (S/N)     surface roughness     turning process  

S45C carbon steel is a common engineering steel and widely used for many industrial applications such as machine structures, gears, shafts, axles, bolts, etc. The purpose of this research is to investigate the cutting parameters (feed rate and spindle speed) in different levels to evaluate the surface roughness (Ra) of S45C steel in the dry turning process using the CVD coated carbide inserts. The surface roughness (Ra) of turning process was measured by surface roughness tester (Surftest SJ-210, Mitutoyo, Japan). The statical analysis of analysis of variance (ANOVA) and signal-to-noise (S/N) ratio were utilized to investigate the effect of cutting parameter on surface roughness (Ra). The results showed that the feed rate significantly affect is better on the surface roughness (Ra), but the spindle speed did not. The cutting parameters for optimum surface quality are a combination of a spindle speed of 1500rpm and feed rate of 0.15mm/rev. The result of surface roughness for turning S45C steel can be applied in the manufacturing industrial application, as well as automotive parts.

Publisher/InstitutionNational Polytechnic Institute of Cambodia (NPIC)
Field/FacultyInnovations in Architecture and Construction
Publication Year2023
Recommended CitationDy Choun, Paris Vanna, Chhorvy Bin, Monyrath Thy, Sela Soy, Sovann Chhim, Sovy Seab, Latin Heang, Rayuth Keat, Lida Heng, San Phearom, Sophal Hai. (2023). Evaluation of Surface Roughness of S45C Steel in Turning Process using CVD Coated Carbide Inserts. Proceeding in RIET 2023 Conference, NPIC, 193-199
Author Emailchoundy@npic.edu.kh, khaisophal@gmail.com