ព្រឹត្តិបត្រស្រាវជ្រាវ (Research Articles)

Experimental Study on Performance of Fiber Anchors under Axial Tension
Author(s)Soputhih Kouleam, Narith Prok, Sovann Sathya Rath
Status 25 views, 174 downloads Download
Keywords   Anchor     Externally bonded FRP     Fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP)     GFRP     Pullout  

Fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) anchors, also known as FRP anchors, are an emerging form of anchorage system to prevent or delay debonding of FRP from the concrete surfaces in the application of strengthening concrete structures using externally bonded FRP systems. This paper reports the results of experiments on Tyfo® Fibr anchors, which are made from glass fiber, under axial tension. Pullout test results of FRP anchors embedded into concrete cylinders con-fined by glass fiber-reinforced polymer (GFRP) sheets are then reported with particular attention focused on the failure modes, failure loads, and bond strength for varying anchor diameter and embedment depth. Finally, analytical models for quantifying the pullout capacity of FRP an-chors are established which can be used in the design.

Publisher/InstitutionNational Polytechnic Institute of Cambodia (NPIC)
Field/FacultyConstruction Technology and Sustainable Development
Publication Year2022
Recommended CitationSoputhih Kouleam, Narith Prok, Sovann Sathya Rath. (2022). Experimental Study on Performance of Fiber Anchors under Axial Tension. - , -, 5-11
Contact Emailkouleamsoputhih@gmial.com, proknarith@itc.edu.kh, s.sathyarath@itc.edu.kh