
TitleImplementation of LQR for BLDC Motor Speed Control
Author(s)Suos Vathanea
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Currently, Cambodia is growing in all areas, including industry, and other countries around the world are very interested in Industry 4.0. In particular, the creation of a robotic production line requires the use of many objects that create motion, in which we have the use of many types of electric motors. Now let me introduce a type of brushless motor called the Brushless Directed Current Motor (BLDC), which is popularly used to generate rotational motion and this type of motor is durable, does not use mechanical commutators, consumes less current, strong power and does not require much maintenance. It is equipped to handle robot, drones, hybrid cars, motorcycles, high speed trains. Nowadays, we have to convert some power sources from DC power, such as solar systems, so this type of motor we can use with those power sources by using electronics which convert from DC to AC. Before we used hall sensors, but in this study, we use senseless by Zero Crossing Point (ZCP) of BEMF to creating electrical commutation and using LQR to analyze the speed and generate a frequency signal to the Full-Bridge Inverter, which is the starting point of the motor rotation.

Adviser(s)Suos Vathanea
InstitutionNational Polytechnic Institute of Cambodia
FacultyGraduate School,
Published Date2021
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Recommended CitationSuos Vathanea. Implementation of LQR for BLDC Motor Speed Control. Electrical Engineering. NPIC Scientific Publication, 2021.