
TitleOptimization of Tilted Angles for Photovoltaic Panel Installation to Collect Maximum Solar Energy in Cambodia
Author(s)Orn Pichnarun
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The sun is the primary source of energy for the earth's climate system and it releases an enormous amount of radiant energy into the solar system. The attenuation of solar radiation is due to scattering and absorption by air molecules, dust particles and aerosols in the atmosphere. The radiation received by the earth varies according to time of year. It is then partially reflected and absorbed by the atmosphere, so that the sun lights received on the ground have some direct and some diffused. Besides, the solar radiation incident on the surface of the earth is based on many aspects such as climatology, hydrology, biology, and architecture. Then, the solar energy incident on a solar collector in various time scales is a complex function of many factors like the local radiation climatology, the orientation, the tilt of the panel and the ground reflection properties. In addition, sometimes the design of solar energy systems needs the knowledge of the availability of solar radiation data at the location.

This thesis has been made to estimate the solar radiation on

horizontal and inclined surfaces in Kampong Speu Province, Cambodia. The model developed in this communication can be used to estimate the hourly global, diffuse and direct solar radiations for horizontal surfaces and the total daily solar radiation on inclined and vertical surfaces in the Kampong Speu Province.

The estimation method of the hourly and daily solar radiations used

the Liu and Jordon model and we use Scilab program to calculate this model. In addition, the values of monthly of average daily solar radiation on a horizontal surface are taken from NASA, Surface meteorology and Solar Energy. The present results are comparable with results of the PVGIS (Photovoltaic Geographical Information System).

As a result, in order to get the maximum light density per year in Kampong Speu province, we have to set tilted angle 0 b =10 and its light density is up to 61.29461kWh/m2. The Calculation and data from PVGIS are slightly different, which makes us more acceptable

Adviser(s)Srun Channareth, M.Eng
InstitutionNational Polytechnic Institute of Cambodia
FacultyGraduate School,
Published Date2020
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Recommended CitationOrn Pichnarun. Optimization of Tilted Angles for Photovoltaic Panel Installation to Collect Maximum Solar Energy in Cambodia. Electrical Engineering. NPIC Scientific Publication, 2020.