Title | Power Flow Analysis 230kV around Tonlesap Lake Using PowerWorld Simulator |
Author(s) | Chamreun Touch |
Status | 92 views, 1 downloads Download |
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Abstract | In a three phase AC power system active and reactive power flow from the generating station to the load through different networks, Bus and branches. The flow of active and reactive power is called power flow or load flow. It uses simplified notation such as one-line diagram and per-unit system and focuses on various forms of AC power (voltages, voltage angles, real power and reactive power). Power flow studies provide a systematic mathematical approach for determination of various bus voltages, their phase angle active and reactive power flows through different branches, generators and loads under steady-state condition. Power flow analysis is used to determine the steady-state operating condition of a power system. Power flow analysis is widely used by power distribution professional during the planning and operation of power distribution system. A number of software implementations are used for load flow studies exist. They include PSS/E, ETAP 4.0 analyzer, MATLAB, PowerWorld and Microsoft Excel. This work involves the use of PowerWorld. |
Adviser(s) | Chamreun Touch |
Institution | National Polytechnic Institute of Cambodia |
Faculty | Graduate School, Electrical Engineering |
Published Date | 2021 |
Pages | 83 |
Rights | ©2020 All Rights Reserved. |
Recommended Citation | Chamreun Touch. Power Flow Analysis 230kV around Tonlesap Lake Using PowerWorld Simulator. Electrical Engineering. NPIC Scientific Publication, 2021. |