
TitlePower Flow Analysis 230kV around Tonlesap Lake Using PowerWorld Simulator
Author(s)Meach Sopheak
Status 76 views, 1 downloads Download

This thesis presents a robust control strategy of a three-phase off-board AC-DC battery charger for electric vehicle. Intelligent constant current-constant voltage (CC-CV) charger for fast charging a Lithium-ion battery. Increasing the charging current in the CC regime cannot guarantee the short charging time, so an optimal charging current exists in the CC-CV method. The proposed control consists of inner-loop robust control and outer-loop conventional PI control. For the inner-loop robust control, a state feedback controller with integral action is employed in dq-synchronous frame. The set of stabilizing gains of this controller are determine by a Linear Matrix Inequality (LMI)-based optimization so that the convergence time to steady state is minimized in the occurrence of the parametric uncertainties of the L-filter. The efficacy of the proposed controller is verified through simulation results on 650V and 10A of batteries equivalent circuit on PSIM.


Adviser(s)Meach Sopheak
InstitutionNational Polytechnic Institute of Cambodia
FacultyGraduate School,
Published Date2021
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Recommended CitationMeach Sopheak. Power Flow Analysis 230kV around Tonlesap Lake Using PowerWorld Simulator. Electrical Engineering. NPIC Scientific Publication, 2021.