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Simulation of Lateral Torsional Buckling of I-Shape Cellular Steel Beam with Application of Transverse Stiffeners
Author(s)Muy Chheng Moeurn, Bin Molinne
Status 52 views, 156 downloads Download
Keywords   cellular steel beam     Failure mode     lateral torsional buckling     stiffener  

To find ways of reducing the risks of lateral torsional buckling on the perforated sections in web by adding transverse stiffeners is the purpose of this study. The comparison of the T-shaped transverse stiffeners and normal transverse stiffeners was found that the use of T-shaped transverse stiffeners with the thickness increasing, reduce the lateral displacement as well as the lateral torsional buckling taken place.

Publisher/InstitutionNational Polytechnic Institute of Cambodia (NPIC)
Field/FacultyInnovations in Architecture and Construction
Publication Year2023
Recommended CitationMuy Chheng Moeurn, Bin Molinne. (2023). Simulation of Lateral Torsional Buckling of I-Shape Cellular Steel Beam with Application of Transverse Stiffeners. Proceeding in RIET 2023 Conference, NPIC, 167-171
Author Emailchhengmoeurn82@gmail.com, molinne@yahoo.com