Title | Comparative Study of Banded-Distributed and Distributed-Distributed Tendon Layout |
Author(s) | Sok Meanchey |
Status | 68 views, 1 downloads Download |
Keywords | |
Abstract | The analysis for tendon distribution condition in prestress slab is essentially important for the efficiency and safety in comparison. Actual load calculation and verification was based on ACI and PTI code to find suitable solution for applicable slab type to pursue both economic, safety and sustainable rigidity of building. |
Adviser(s) | Sok Meanchey |
Institution | National Polytechnic Institute of Cambodia |
Faculty | Graduate School, m.civil |
Published Date | 2021 |
Pages | 70 |
Rights | ©2020 All Rights Reserved. |
Recommended Citation | Sok Meanchey. Comparative Study of Banded-Distributed and Distributed-Distributed Tendon Layout. m.civil. NPIC Scientific Publication, 2021. |