ព្រឹត្តិបត្រស្រាវជ្រាវ (Research Articles)

Experimental investigation of deflected mode of the reinforced concrete beams with organized cracks under long-term loading
Author(s)A Chhom
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Keywords   bending element     cracking     creep.     deflection     deformation     energy theory     long-term loading     Pre-organized cracks     reinforced concrete beam     Stiffness;  

The experiments confirmed the hypothesis about the beams rigidity with pre-organized cracks in comparison with stochastic cracks under the influence of long-term loading. As a result, the beams with pre-organized cracks provide the smaller deflection after long-term period than the beams without organized cracks. Thus, the proposed method of the deflections calculation of the reinforced concrete beams with pre-organized cracks under the long-term loading helps to reduce deflection to 33%. The findings of this study suggest that the presence of pre-organized cracks reduces the beams deflections in comparison with the specimens of section, and such method actually regulates the stress-strain state of reinforced concrete structures and leads to the smooth deformation at all stages under the influence of long-term loading.

JournalВестник Сибирской государственной автомобильно-дорожной академии
Field/FacultyFaculty of Engineering
Publication Year2018
Recommended CitationA Chhom. (2018). Experimental investigation of deflected mode of the reinforced concrete beams with organized cracks under long-term loading. Вестник Сибирской государственной автомобильно-дорожной академии, 15, 606-616
Contact Emailchhom_amnoth@yahoo.com